Wednesday CrossFit Oakdale will have a normal AM schedule, pill but we will only have 1 PM workout at 5:30pm. This workout will be followed by a Potluck Dinner. We hope to see you there.
CrossFit Oakdale will be closed on Thursday for Thanksgiving.
We will be open for 1 WOD on Friday at 9am. The WOD is “Clovis.” Think about scaling options. If you have any questions, page please ask a coach about scaling options.
Saturday will be normal hours (9am and 10am).
The One Word You Should Avoid Using. I don’t refer to doing CrossFit as practice, buy information pills I call it training. I know a lot of Oly lifters call their training “practice”, which seems weird to me. I was a wrestler growing up, and one that drove me crazy was Judo guys. They would say they were going to “play” Judo. What? What about getting thrown around felt like play? But maybe that made it fun for them – and didn’t feel like the end of the world when you lost.
Get Rid of That Knee Sleeve Funk from CrossFit One World. A lot of you are wearing knee sleeves. Some of you have even offered to let me smell your knee sleeves. “Oh man, my knee sleeves stink! Wanna smell?” Thanks, but no thanks! At least not until you boil them first!
Workout of the Day
With a 17 minute cap
Run TL Davis Loop
50 Hand Release Pushups
30 Hang Cleans 225/135
If you don’t complete the WOD, your score is the number of Reps completed. If you are able to do 1 rep at the RX weight, I would highly encourage NOT SCALING. If you do 1 Clean, you do 1. If that means you do a Clean, then stand there waiting for your strength to return, that’s what you do.