A few months ago some of our masters (35 and over) participated in the Masters Functional Fitness League. We had a few others join us for the swim WOD at the high school. This online team competition brought together over 1500 Masters Athletes all over the world. Though Athletes sign up individually, for sale they are added to the team of their region. Prizes are given to team and individuals and they are impressive. We know because we have a Prize winner in our midst! Robin received her swag bag last week and we asked her to bring it in to show us.
The October 2014 Competition began on the 27th. There are 8 WOD’s to be completed. There is no penalty for not being able to complete the WOD’s so a lot of the pressure is taken off which allows more room for fun. The WOD’s this time are shorter and we get to run the track on Saturday afternoon. If you would like to join the Masters Athletes we still have 5 WOD’s to go! I know June and Robin love a good cheering section as well, case so Thursday morning during open gym will be the next time WODs will be done. Otherwise – big high fives and cheers when you see the competitors!
Workout of the Day
Deadlift, Heavy set of 5
Add 10# to last weeks lift
30 Double Unders
15 Kettlebell Swings 55/35