Zone Challengers UNITE! We got off track with the, you know, pandemic. BUT we are back BABY! 3 weeks of ZONE meals and thoughtful eating. I am excited to get this show back on the road.
If you have questions about the Zone diet, ask a coach! Coach Denny is the master, but we all have some experience with it.
Workout of the Day
Fully Loaded
Alternating EMOM 20
Minute 1 Pullups
Minute 2 Wall Ball Shots 20/14
Minute 3 Toes to Bar
Minute 4 Wall Balls 20/14
Work 35 Rest 25
Empty Chamber
Alternating EMOM 20
Minute 1 Pushups
Minute 2 Air Squats
Minute 3 Situps
Minute 4 Walking Lunges
Work 35 Rest 25