Hard Work Pays Off

Melissa and Conney are two of the first members at CrossFit Oakdale.  They come in nearly every day, page have fun, # push each other.  Sometimes they talk trash, pill but always in a fun way.  They are mothers, have jobs and lead busy lives, but they have made fitness a priority.  Coming in the doors of CFO, it was obvious they wanted to get a pull up.  They both made their goal clear: they said it out loud, pushed and supported each other, and consistently put in the work.
Over the past 6 months, Conney and Melissa worked progressions and asked questions.  I remember Melissa asking me about a CrossFit Journal video on pullups she had watched.  This was months ago, and it fired me up that she was putting in the personal time to learn on her own.  Moving from ring rows, to jumping pullups, to the bands and working from the hollow position, they worked the progession patiently and consistently.
After 6 months of consistent effort, Conney got her first pullup 2 weeks ago.  Not to be outdone, Melissa got her first pullups Monday night, chaining together 2.  Goal setting, fun, teamwork and consistency…that is CrossFit!

 I love this picture – Congratulations to some hardworking Bestie’s!

Workout of the Day
Strength Test
Build to a heavy single.
After 8 weeks of heavy 5s, we are testing our Deadlift.  Take your time warming up, and don’t rush between efforts.  As the weight gets heavier, take more time between sets; 3-5 minutes.  Keep your lumbar curve, pull hard and pick up something heavy!
For time
Run TL Davis Loop

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