Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear People of CrossFit Oakdale-

Thank you. Thank you for all of the strides you have made this year. From Muscle Ups to handstand walking, single legged squats to handstand pushups and full depth on all squats. Whether you were upside down for the first time, used a heavier weight that you never thought you could, or coordinated a kipping pull-up, we are so thankful for you.

Thank you for the conversations, full of both laughter and tears. Thank you for sharing your new babies with us all to hold and love.

Thank you for sharing your talents, your compassion and your joy.

Thank you to our coaches. They are the catalyst to the change. They work hard, learning nuances that can help each ad every one of you to get a double under or transition into that muscle up you have been dreaming about.

Thank you to Brian for all of the programming through the year. Again during this Open it seemed that he might secretly be a part of the Games staff, prepping you all for the secret workouts to come. Excluding the pistols. LOL. No one knew that was coming.

There are so many things to be grateful for. I hope you get some time today to spend with your loved ones, reflecting on all of the joys we have in our lives, all of the people who fill our lives up and create this happy, sad, fun, scary, challenging, amazing world we live in.

We are so thankful for all of you. AND look forward to working out with you at 9am tomorrow!

-CrossFit Oakdale

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