Halloween Week, Pushing, Jonesworthy and more…

On Monday, sick we will Push Press for a 1RM.  I can’t recall ever doing this, information pills so I’m kind of geeked.  Further, sales we’ll work a Milo type program on the Push Press to improve strength and positioning.
On Tuesday we’ll Squat, on Wednesday we’ll deadlift and on Thursday we’ll do a serious Snatch WOD.
Friday is Halloween – we are thinking of only doing 1 WOD at 5pm (regular morning classes at 5:30a and 9a).  The WOD on Friday is Jonesworthy – it is no joke.  It’s a nasty, pretty big triplet of swings, pull-ups and squats.  I’m going to wear a superhero shirt then go trick or treating.

Hero WOD Challenge with Maggie Snyder!
Hero WOD Challenge with Maggie Snyder!

Workout of the Day
Push Press
Establish a 1RM in 20 minutes
Alternating Tabata – 8 Rounds
20 Seconds of DB or KB Push Press (45/35)
10 Seconds rest
20 Seconds of Chest to Bar Pullups
10 Seconds rest

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