Got 5 Minutes?

There are some pretty advanced-y movements at the end of today’s WOD Muscle Ups and Burpee Muscle Ups.  If you have never done a Burpee Muscle Up before…it’s a Muscle Up with a Burpee before it.  It will really teach you to control the rings.  And if your dip out of the Muscle Up is weak, generic the Burpee will expose that weakness.
I talk about this all the time in Open preparations, erectile but there are certain things you should expect if you want to really maximize your score in the Open.  You want to have Burpees in Doubleunders in big sets and you want to be able to perform Muscle Ups under complete exhaustion.
I have added a 2 Open prep WODs on the whiteboard.  The first has a barbell component to it.  Please only attempt this WOD if there are enough barbells for a class and you have cleared it with a Coach.  
Think Burpee Muscle Ups are “new” to CrossFit?  Think again.  Here they are being performed at the original CrossFit gym by Eva T and Zac P.  Eva T is the ORIGINAL CrossFit girl.  Respect the OGs!
Workout of the Day
Deadlift, clinic 1.1.1, Week 5
The bar should be getting heavy.  Remember the perfect set up and accelerate that pull.
21 Doubleunders
7 Chest to Bar Pullups
Rest 5
3 Muscle Ups
3 Burpees
3 Burpee Muscle Ups
*If you cannot perform Muscle Ups, WOD is
3 Pullups
3 Burpees

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