Getting a little personal…

Woman & Double UndersĀ 
Not everyone takes me up on my offer of “Go to the bathroom, # 40mg get a drink of water, order we will start in 2 minutes.” Those that do, this appreciate the fact that I am a mother of three. Brian found the article, I live the article. Please don’t tell my mom I am talking about this in a public forum. Thank you.
All jokes aside, I am pretty excited to read that squatting will work wonders on this issue. I will say that the better I get at double unders, the longer I can last without having to stop. So don’t ditch the ropes, and take advantage of the bathroom breaks.
Keep up the good work ladies!
On a lighter note, at 7:30pm this evening the Eat Well Live Better Challengers kicked off their baseline. Everyone has jumped in full force with great questions, creative food choices and the drive to change their lifestyle. It is inspirational. Make sure you get a chance to congratulate the challengers for taking this step to a better lifestyle.


Workout of the Day
Snatch – work up to a heavy single
Metcon AMRAP 9
1 Snatch
1 Bar Facing Burpee
2 Snatches
2 Bar Facing Burpees
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