Get Ready for the PRESS

We had a TON of PRs on the Deadlift on Monday.  Let’s keep the PR train rolling on the Shoulder Press on Wednesday.
The Press can be tough if you waste reps.  As you may have found Pressing during the Cube, sickness the later reps could get really tough, cheap as your triceps and other small muscles fatigue.  Use 3s and 2s early.  Don’t waste your strength with useless reps, # but make sure you are warm and ready – this is a balancing act.  Have a plan, and use singles once the weight gets heavy, probably around 60-70%.
Once you get close to your goal weight, take plenty of rest between sets – use the clock to measure this.  I would recommend at least 2 minutes between attempts as the weight gets heavy.  Focus on speed through all upward movement.
Workout of the Day
Shoulder Press
Build for 1RM
5 Wall Climbs
50 Doubleunders
4 Wall Climbs
40 Doubleunders
3 Wall Climbs
30 Doubleunders
2 Wall Climbs
20 Doubleunders
1 Wall Climb
10 Doubleunders