Functional Fitness, Part 2

I’ve had the pleasure of a take home work car for the last 14 years.  For the last 7 years of so, I’ve chosen a van – with heavy duty tint.  I get to drive around in interesting neighborhoods and talk to fascinating people.
Here’s the problem with my urban assault vehicle – it’s heavy!  I found this out last week in Chowchilla as I drove to Fresno.  My engine started actin g funny in Chowchilla and by the time I hit Madera, I was driving on the shoulder of 99 at 30 MPH at about 5,000RPM.  I have another office in North Fresno, so I got set up with a trade out.  As I slowly chugged over there, the speed got lower and the RPMs got higher.  By the time I made it to North Fresno, I had 2 miles to go to the office, but some major intersections a rush hour approached.
I couldn’t get the engine to engage at each red light.  Now, I’m not going to lie, I was a little stressed at after driving 30 miles an hour on a shoulder and getting passed by about 2,000 trucks.  Hitting major intersections with a car that wouldn’t go didn’t make me any less stressed.
3 times, at a light, I had to put the car in neutral, get out and give it a good push before the light turned.  On my last light, I took a left into a parking lot against incoming traffic.  I needed to beat the oncoming traffic, or get beat up by the traffic.  I turned the wheel, ran to the back and gave it the best push I could.
In case you didn’t figure it out, I made it.  Now, I wasn’t super psyched to be pushing a car around crowded Fresno – but strength and fitness never entered my mind.  I didn’t warm up, I was dressed business casual, hopped out of the car and got that sucker to the garage.
Of all the things to worry about, my fitness wasn’t one.  Thank you CrossFit!

Workout of the Day
3 sets of 2, 70% of 1RM
50 Situps
10 Snatch 135/85

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