We had a great time throwing down on 16.2 at CrossFit Sonora on Friday night. CrossFit Sonora will be making the trip down the hill for Friday Night Lights at CrossFit Oakdale for 16.3.
On Saturday, troche we will CrossFit Oakdale will be “Saving Our Schools” at the Oakdale Joint Unified School District 5k and 1 mile fun run. The run takes you all over Burchell Hill. So, approved 16.3 on Friday, a fun run through your neighborhood on Saturday. I’m guessing that will make for a great weekend of fitness. If you can’t hit 16.3 on Friday, we have been running pretty fun heats at Open gym on Sunday’s from 1p to 3p.
We’ll have more on 16.2 later in the week, but so far we’ve seen Burpees, Doubleunders, Chest to Bar Pullups, Toes to Bar and Cleans. What’s left – Deadlift, Overhead Squat, Snatch, Shoulder to Overhead, Box Jump, Rowing, Thrusters, Wallballs, Muscleups, Handstand Pushups are all movements we’ve seen before. Also, remember there has been a repeat workout in every Open. We haven’t seen a Couplet yet, much less a single modality like the Snatch ladder of 12.2. Just off a short analysis, I would guess there is going to be some big stuff that we WILL NOT see in a Open workout this year. There were no Burpees last year – what will be left off the table this year?

Workout of the Day
Hang Snatch
In 15 minutes, build to a heavy single of the Hang Snatch. Power, Squat or Split is fine.
1 Kettlebell Swing 53/35
1 Thruster 95/65
2 Kettlebell Swing
2 Thruster
3 Kettlebell Swing
3 Thruster…