Friday 2/5/21

Some of you may find the Muscle Snatch an easy lift…in that you may get away with pressing out from time to time. Today you can press out to your heart’s content. The muscle snatch helps develop a powerful turnover at the top of the snatch. It is surprising how fast it goes.

Workout of the Day


5 sets of 3

Muscle Snatch


Amrap 8
1 DB Hang Snatch L 50/35
1 DB Hang Snatch R
1 DB Hang Clean and Jerk L
1 DB Hang Clean and Jerk R
2 DB Hang Snatch L
2 DB Hang Snatch R
2 DB Hang Clean and Jerk L
2 DB Hang Clean and Jerk R
Then 3…4…5…