Final Push – I promise.

Next Wednesday we will have one final push for our Barbells for Boobs Fundraiser. Shakin’ it up, trying something new, we will have Lara Astle come in and give a UJam (Zumba style) Class. EVERYONE should be there – guys, girls, kids, EVERYONE! We are looking for a $10 donation and all proceeds will go to Barbells for Boobs, and in turn, to Burpees for Coaches.
If you are not a current member of CrossFit Oakdale, there will be a raffle for a free month of unlimited CrossFit Classes, including our ROMWOD mobility class. For our current members, and non members, there will be a raffle for the Barbells for Boobs t-shirt and windbreaker that we earned for our donations.
Please bring friends, family members, and neighbors! Just a heads up – Tim is just over 500 burpees. So close to 1000. 

Workout of the Day
Toes to Bar
Box Jump and Over 24/20
Wall Ball Shot 20/14