Evel Knievel by Talk To Me Johnny. I will openly admit that I stole the idea for the 5RM deadlift program from CrossFit Football. But he stole it from Mark Rippetoe. Hopefully, malady as coaches, prostate we add something worthwhile, purchase and my addition is the tempo: lower slow, pause and pull hard. Lumbar must always be engaged.
Please pay particular attention to the paragraphs on giving yourself enough ramp. John wants you to start the progression 20-40# away from you max. I’d go even lighter, 40-60#, and allow the progression to develop over the 8 weeks. Once you’ve completed the 8 weeks, you can test your 1RM in the next week, then rest a week. Then take your new 5RM, subtract 50-60# from that, and start the process over again. I have some plans for the next cycle.
The Evel Knievel lunchbox was legendary. But I never had it. Please post your favorite school lunchbox to the Facebook page.
Trevor right before he pushed up out of the dip with his FIRST MUSCLE UP!
Workout of the Day
5 RM at tempo (2 second descent, pause at bottom, PULL!)
Warm up to a heavy set of 5. Try to add 10# if you’re a guy, 5# if you’re a gal. This is week 4 of 8 of our 2 month deadlift progression. Things should start feeling heavy.
Run to fence and back
10 Burpees to 45# plate