Earn Your Carbs

Earn Your Carbs from TTMJ.  John recommends reading his earlier post, information pills Just Tell Me What To Eat.  I am a big believer in limiting carbs, stuff especially processed ones.  BUT…if your physical output is high, you will NEED to get carbs.  Otherwise, you will run into a brick wall.  I’m curious to hear some our Paelo challengers thoughts on this, especially in the first weeks of the challenge, when carb intake in usually really low.
CFO saw an unbelievable jump in performance on the baseline WODs.  Increase in performance, over a month by 20-25% means you put in the work and did it right.  Great work!
How did you feel early?  How did you feel later in the challenge?  Did you add carbs?  Keep them low?


Workout of the Day
In 5 attempts, build to a heaviest 100 ft Sled Push.
The only place you can stop is on the turn around.  If you lose momentum mid-run, you went too heavy.
75 Doubleunders*
20 Pistols, alternating
10 Wall Climbs
*Substitution is 2 for 1 backwards, 3 for one forwards.