CrossFit Day at the Oakland A's

On Sunday we will be cheering on Amie, Austin, Damon and Victoria as they compete at the Oakland A’s CrossFit Day Competition. Stay tuned to social media for live coverage:) 
If you are attending the game you should have received your tickets in your email. Please let Alison know if you did not get them. Here are the instructions for the day.
Entrance into the ballpark:

  • 8:30-9am: Teams will enter the stadium through MM gate, located on the east side of the stadium, next to the Bart bridge.
  • 9am: Once all teams are checked in, we will begin a rule meeting to explain the movements, bracketing and other pertinent information.
  • 915am: following the rules meeting, we will allow the public to enter the spectator section. ANYONE WITH A CROSSFIT DAY TICKET WILL BE ALLOWED TO COME IN THROUGH MM GATE.
  • 930 am: Competition will begin. Teams will be broken up into heats.
  • 1030am: Competition will end, and winning team will be presented with the Complimentary suite for a game this season!
    • Following the competition, we will pass out the special CrossFit day shirts and all participants with the food ticket will be allowed to enter the eastside club and enjoy the wonderful buffet.

Workout of the Day
5 Rounds – 2 minutes each round
10 Burpees 
200M Row
As Many burpees in the remaining time
Rest 3 Minutes
Score is total # of burpees completed.