Coffee Talk

No one at CrossFit Oakdale is sponsored by any big time CrossFit companies.  If I could have one sponsorship, website it would be Chemex Coffee.
Form is Function: The Chemex Story
Tricia just picked one up, drug and she’s fully on the Chemex band wagon.  It’s basically a beaker with a paper filter that you pour boiled water over.  Many coffee folks claim 208 degrees is the ideal water temperature, so I let the water cool a little after boiling.  It’s a simple process and it takes a little bit longer, and is a little more involved than a coffee pot, but I honestly feel like I’m part of the process with every cup I make.  It’s one of my daily Zen rituals.
The Chemex Coffee maker is all over the internet, but you can pick one up at Cost Plus World Market on Pelandale in Modesto for a little over $40.  Abox of Chemex filters will run you 8 bucks and you get 100.  I also recommend an electric kettle to boil you water, but a regular teapot is fine. 
Workout of the Day
In 25 minutes, build to a heavy single
21 Snatches for time
10 minute cap.
The idea is to use the weight you may have hit on 13.1 and do 21 reps relatively fresh, i.e. not 90 burpees first.  Many guys hit 165 and got some reps.  We only had 1 lady hit 100# on 13.1 (Jen), but plenty of you have hit 100 in training.  If not scale to 75% of your 1RM.