Christmas week schedule

Thank you to all that attended the CrossFit Oakdale Christmas party!  The White Elephant was epic and memorable.  My favorite line – “What does the ‘G’ stand for?”
This will be an abbreviated week because of Christmas.  We will have a normal schedule on Mon, buy more about Tues and Fri.  On Wed, which is Christmas Eve, we will have a 9am class and then run Open Gym from 10a to 12p.  CFO will be closed on Thursday.
Because the week is short, I want to get the strength training in early in the week.  That means combined 2 strength sessions into 1 day – Monday.  We will Deadlift heavy singles (1.1.1 protocol) on Tuesday.
Because we are trying to pack some stuff into Monday, please be prepared and know your target numbers.

White Elephant Fun!

Workout of the Day
Front Squat Double
Take 18 minutes, 8-9 sets, to build to a heavy double.  Try to add 10# to last weeks effort.
Push Press Milo
3 Push Press OTM for 10, Week 8 of 8
Add 5# to last weeks lift.
With your Milo weight, perform as many Cleans (any style) as possible in 4 minutes.  Target number is 25 – that’s about 6 a minute.