
Tuesday starts Week 1 – Seinfeld Week- of the CrossFit Oakdale Open. All instagram pictures taken to earn points MUST have the #cfo18 on them and a Seinfeld flair to them. 
Point System
Instagram #CFO18……….. 1 PT
Costume/Clothing………. 5 PTS
Personal Record………….10 PTS
Unbroken Set*………………1 PT
MVP Vote**……………….5 PTS
Guess The WOD: 
Movement………………5 PTS
Time Domain…………….5 PTS
BOTH…………………….10 PTS
“Pukie the Clown” ……..15PTS
*Unbroken Set Specifics will be designated before the WOD. 
Judge will mark scorecard.
**MVP Vote will be done Team Captain. Name will be submitted to 
Alison by Monday at 5pm
***MUST not be FORCED. We don’t want you to, but you deserve 
something for turning yourself inside out.

Workout of the Day
OTM 10 
20 Seconds of Max Rep WallBalls
Rest 40 seconds
OTM 10
30 seconds of Max Rep Toes To Bar
Rest 30 seconds
OTM 10
40 Seconds of Max Rep Burpees to Touch
Rest 20 seconds