CFO CrossFit Games Open: How do you fit in?

You may have noticed some videos of CrossFit Oakdale coaches floating around the inter webs.  We have been encouraging you to sign up for the CrossFit Games Opens and being on “our team.”
What is this whole team thing?  Well, Brad, Denny, Tricia, Tim and I (Brian) will each have a “team” during the Open.  This requires nothing other than signing up and doing the workouts.  What it will do it give you a smaller team, and a direct coach to help you strategize, be better prepared, have a motivator or a shoulder to cry on if they make us do a million thrusters.
Here is what you need to do:
We want the teams to be balanced.  To do so, classify yourself in 1 of 4 categories.
Black – RX – You basically do all workouts RX.  Maybe not Muscleups, but pretty much everything else.  Maybe you are not great at everything, but you are a capable, fit human.
Red – Kind of RX, Kind of Scaled – You can RX many workouts, but some advanced moved like Doubleunders, Chest to Bar Pullups and Handstand Pushups are always in your way.  This year, anyway.
White – Scaled – Generally, you perform all workouts scaled.  For now, at least.
Blue – Masters 55 and above.  We will all be here one day.  Hopefully.
We are going to put the names in hat, and pick and split the teams fairly- after the 9am class on Monday. Monday will be a holiday schedule – 9 AM ONLY.
We are going to do things like have things like theme’s each week and games within the Games.  The idea is to take the Open, which is challenging but fun, and make it more fun and more inclusive.
Here’s a pitch – if you find a way to my team, we will have the week 1 theme: Seinfeld Week.  Do you have what it takes to join the “Master’s of their Domain?”
If you are not at all knowledge on SeinLanguage, I suggest you watch “The Contest,” “The Little Kicks” and “The Strike” in the next two weeks. There will be trivia questions for you to earn points. That’s better than a “Christmas card from Elaine,” right?

Workout of the Day
MisFit Snatch Complex
Squat Snatch – Overhead Squat – Hang Squat Snatch – Overhead Squat
Build to a heavy set of this complex in 20 minutes
8 Alternating DB Snatch 50/35
6 Box Jumps and Overs 24/20

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