
We will be running two heats tomorrow to get everyone in:) It has been and will continue to be quite warm – make sure you are fueling and hydrating to compensate. Stay frosty! Workout of the Day 27-21-15-9 Calories on RowerLateral Burpees over Rower 12 minute cap
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Join us Sunday in a Worldwide Event – through ZOOM of course- in support of addressing discrimination and ending racism. Love for one another, caring and supporting each other are the themes we embody at CrossFit Oakdale. Please continue to read below to find out more about the event and The OUT Foundation. This event kicks off at 10am EASTERN Time, so that is 7am for us. We will be having a “selfish potluck” after. That means bring your own food and drink and NO sharing. Please RSVP to the Facebook event so we can organize the event. All are welcome – you don’t have to be a part of CrossFit Oakdale. If you would like to donate to our team fundraiser, Click HERE. From The OUT Foundation: “Every year on the final Sunday of Pride Month, athletes across the globe participate in #InfiltrateWithLove, a workout celebrating inclusivity and support...
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We hope you had the best day either honoring all Father’s around or being honored. Workout of the Day AMRAP 1515 Box Step Ups 20″ EVERYONE with medicine ball15 Kettlebell Swings 53/3515 WallBall Shots 20/14
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Classes at 9am and 10am! Workout of the Day 15 RFT 5 Burpees3 Toes To Bar1 Bar Muscle Up
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Social media is quite a tornado of thoughts and opinions these days. Filtering out the important stuff is much harder than it used to be. So, I took a few days to let it go. It is okay to take that break. (I am telling you and myself.) Luckily, Morning Chalk-up gives me a little digest of the goings on in the CrossFit world. This is not an advertisement, just giving credit where credit it due. I was familiar with VetWOD, having participated in their online competition a few years ago. They provide support for veterans and first responders in the form of scholarships. Traumatic events shape the past and future of all those who experience them. PTSD can bring sleepless nights, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts/expressions or worse. This is no task to handle alone. We have friends and family very close to us that have experienced these difficulties first...
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