
Two great posts from Freddy C of CrossFit One World in Union City, sildenafil CA. SLAP tears.  I had not heard the term SLAP tears before, but I think I’ve heard the symptoms.  The shoulder joint is an incredible thing, and we demand a lot from it in sport.  I’m going to research this more.  In my first year of CrossFit, my shoulders hurt terribly, with pain radiating to my fingertips.  I don’t think it was a tear(s), but likely accumulated scar tissue and tightness from lots of pushups and bench pressing.  It required a ton of work on the rack position and overhead positions to get me where I am now: pain free in the shoulders. One Worldwide.  Read down below to the section on equipment care.  We don’t have Jerk Boxes (one day…), but it is important to understand how the equipment is used, and to take proper...
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It is funny to say our website has been tinkered with already when we have only been open for a month. If you have been in the gym this week you will notice that paint has been going up on the walls. It has been said it takes a village to raise a child, cheap and so it goes for CrossFit Oakdale. Thanks to Chance, Christine & Craig who have been priming and painting. It looks great! I picked up a couple dozen white 1/2″ binders for all members today. I will be filling them with journal inserts so you can track your lifts, skills and Metcons. I will also be sending out the PDF copy of the journal so you can print out more when you need them. And last but certainly not least, Kustom Cottons dropped off the rest of the T-shirts (adults and kids) and Kids sweatshirts....
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I found this CrossFit poem on CrossFit LA last night.  It articulates pretty damn well why I love CrossFit. I look around and I see all the ways that people here train. Some are here twice a week, no rx some are here twice a day. Some beat their head against a wall, prostate some take results as they come. Some love it, order some hate it. Some do a little of both. Some fall off the wagon, come back and start all over again. Some go light, some go heavy. Some train to win at something, some train just to have fun. Some eat like cavemen, some eat like like rabbits All of them care a heck of a lot, and all of them get results. I look around here and I see something incredible — There is no wrong way to do it. If you’re doing it, you’re...
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Please watch the CrossFit Journal article “Why We Get Fat” by Gary Taubes.  Taubes is the author of, # 100mg in my opinion, # 60mg the best book on nutrition available, try “Good Calories, Bad Calories” (GCBC).  Taubes recently wrote “Why We Get Fat“, which I have not read.  GCBC is a science book about nutrition, and he is not selling a diet; merely presenting his hypothesis on the western diet.  It identifies what he believes (and so do many CrossFitters) on the mistakes of the science world: the reliance on processed carbohydrates as a food source/reaction to cholesterol and heart disease and more.  I believe “Why We Get Fat” presents the same argument as GCBC, but does so in a less science heavy manner, much like Michael Pollan’s books: The Omnivore’s Dilemma and it’s smaller version, In Defense of Food. Workout of the Day Strength Pullups We will have...
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CrossFit Oakdale hopes you had a restful and merry Christmas!  We’ll resume classes on Monday.  We’ll have CrossFit classes at 9am, health 5:30 and 6:30pm, more about with open gym at 4:30pm.  There will be no 6am class on Monday, but we plan on having 6am classes on Wednesday and Friday.  If schedules are still slow, I may hold the 6am classes at 7am.  Once the new year rolls around, I hope to have a steady 6am class.   Alison got some Inov8 shoes for Christmas.  If you’ve known me for more than a few minutes, you know that I am a shoe hound.  If you’re new to CrossFit, you may notice that very few of us wear “normal” running shoes (by normal, I mean a thick, cushion-y heel).  We generally seek out a flat, “low-profile” or “minimalist” running shoes.  We do this for many reasons, some of which are: they are...
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