
The Fighter Pullup by Pavel.  This is an excellent progressive overload program to develop pullups.  But it doesn’t stop there; this can be used effectively for nearly any body weight movement.  Apply a similar program to dips, tadalafil push ups, ambulance GHD sit ups, even wall ball shots. This progression is simple, and can worked into your warm up or post WOD work.  If you have a lot of kipping pullups, work this progression with dead hang pullups.  If you’re fighting for, or developing a Muscle Up (Christine, Emm, Jen!) working this progression with dips is probably needed. Let’s do a Muscle Up clinic next week, Wednesday at 6:30pm.  We won’t have a CrossFit class at this time, so please adjust your schedule.  We’ll spend the hour working the standard MU progressions, and working on some new variations. On Tuesday, April 17th, we’ll hold a Nutrition Clinic.  We’ll set up...
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Ultimate Guide to CrossFit Lingo.  I had someone ask me what AMRAP meant the other day (As Many Rounds As Possible).  CrossFit has developed a language and shorthand all it’s own, clinic and if you don’t know what something means, please ask.  I wanted to do a CrossFit terms and acronyms for awhile, but I just haven’t gotten around to it. CFO is growing.  We have some very knowledgable athletes and CrossFit coaches.  If you don’t know a term, nickname or abbreviation, please ask!  Learning is cool! CrossFit Coaches, in case you didn’t know, are Brian, Alison, Louis, Chance, Christine and Tricia. Here’s a link to some ugly (sorry, folks at CrossFit Victoria BC) inverted burpees.  You can use the wall to support your handstand, or you can do a free handstand. Alicia takes off at the end of the farmer’s walk.  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Turkish Get Up...
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This is part 2 of my CrossFit Games Open review.  For part 1, for sale click here or just scroll down.   I have come to expect couplets and triplets from CrossFit, ampoule and these are the workouts I love.  12.1 and 12.2 were single modalities, sale but became necessary to balance each other out on the scoreboard.  12.3, 4 and 5 were pure CrossFit.   12.3 AMRAP 18 of Box Jumps, Push Press and Toes to Bar   Classic CrossFit!  This is more like it, right?  This is the type of WOD I try to program for CFO everyday.  This WOD required athleticism, speed, knowing your engine and will.  The only difference from what we do daily?  It’s a little long, which is fine.  On a training normal day, I rarely program WODs that last longer than 12 minutes.  But, even though we don’t train long often, we didn’t...
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I said before that I would review the CrossFit Games Open.  I wanted to review some of the things we did well, buy more about some things we can improve on, and to highlight things that were memorable to me.  I will talk about each on of the WODs in “CrossFit shorthand”.  To get a full description of the WODs, go here.  Again, these are things that occurred to me.  Please share your thoughts, good and bad, on the comments section in Facebook. NOTE:  As I wrote this, It kind of got long.  I broke my review of the Open into 2 posts.  So, you’ll get part 2 tomorrow. 12.1 7 Minutes of Burpees. It was tough to put on a good face for this one.  As a guy that makes up workouts, burpees are a “nuisance” exercise.  I use them as filler between more technical, heavy or advanced movements. ...
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  What a day. Jen and her Muscle Up was a ton of fun to watch. But highlight was in the 4:30 class. Trevor started this week…Wednesday in fact. A few minutes into tonight’s WOD the sweet whisper of double unders…I look over and he is just cranking them out. It was so exciting! I can’t wait to see what wonders you all have up your sleeves!     Saturday Morning Schedule: 8:30am Kids 9:00am Bring – A – Friend! 10:00am Advanced There has been talk of Cleans and Box Jumps….That is all I am saying. Have a great Friday night!
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