I have a sweet tester workout that I would like to run next week. I’m planning to run it Friday next week, recipe so think about how you would like to attack it. It’s called “Minute by Minute”, # 40mg and I’m blatantly stealing it from Freddy Camacho’s gym, CrossFit One World in Union City, CA. The movements (hang power snatch, box jumps, pullups, pistols, HSPU, doubleunders and hang power clean) are relatively simple and well known to you, but on the day we do the WOD, we won’t have time to review everything like we normally do. I would ask that you review the movements, and have a plan going in. In regard to the weightlifting portions, this is probably not the time you will set PRs, as you will have to work smart and quickly. You will need to prioritize your strengths and weaknesses. As always, scaling is...
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