
There are NO SATURDAY MORNING CROSSFIT CLASSES at CrossFit Oakdale on 8/11/2012. We will be rafting at Knights Ferry.  All the tickets are sold, information pills so if you don’t have a spot, you’ll have to wait until next time.  It’s a 20 minute drive from the gym to Knights Ferry. We will meet at 8:30am in the rafting lot (the first lot on the left as you enter – there will be a crowd).  We need to consolidate coolers and set up seating assignments. Alison will have waivers, but you can fill them out from raft Make sure you wear shoes that will stay on your feet and get wet, clothes that can get wet and plenty of sunscreen.  Feel free to bring food and drinks.  Make sure you hydrate – it’s hot today, and it will only be hotter tomorrow.
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  ****Schedule Change***** Monday, doctor Wednesday and Friday’s 6am class will become 5:30am classes starting Monday August 13th. No class this Saturday, # 60mg August 11th – We will be rafting in Knight’s Ferry. If you have purchased tickets, or plan on meeting us their in your own kayaks, I am planning on being at the Knight’s Ferry parking lot at 8:15am. I am pretty crazy about being on time/early for things, (never ask me what time you should get to an airport) but the ADVENTURE starts at 9am. Make sure you wear shoes that stay on your feet and you don’t mind getting wet. We can bring coolers in the raft. You can also bring food to have after for lunch and we can spend some time in the beloved river sans raft. Give me a call with any questions. We have a pretty sizable group going, so it...
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I have a sweet tester workout that I would like to run next week.  I’m planning to run it Friday next week, recipe so think about how you would like to attack it. It’s called “Minute by Minute”, # 40mg and I’m blatantly stealing it from Freddy Camacho’s gym, CrossFit One World in Union City, CA.  The movements (hang power snatch, box jumps, pullups, pistols, HSPU, doubleunders and hang power clean) are relatively simple and well known to you, but on the day we do the WOD, we won’t have time to review everything like we normally do. I would ask that you review the movements, and have a plan going in.  In regard to the weightlifting portions, this is probably not the time you will set PRs, as you will have to work smart and quickly.  You will need to prioritize your strengths and weaknesses.  As always, scaling is...
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Stephanie Kidd invited Bob, order Tricia and Alison and I to accompany her kayaking friends on a trip down the Tuolumne River this past weekend.  I’ll tell you up front, # 100mg I’ve never rafted before.  I would go tubing as a kid with camp, but that’s about it.  After hanging out at Knights Ferry and Orange Blossom, I thought I knew what to expect from a rafting trip: lots of sun, a few drinks and some paddling.  I was WAY off!   First, my hat (or helmet) is off to Stephanie for leading on this adventure.  After putting the raft in the water, Steph began a safety briefing that was a little more involved than, if you fall out, we’ll pick you up (which is what I was expecting).  The night before, as we packed, Steph made sure all our gear was packed in water proof dry bags.  As...
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10 Things All New Weightlifters Should Know from Catalyst Athletics.  I really agree with number 1. I don’t really care about number 2.  I am probably guilty of number 8 and I’m definitely a believer of number 7.   I REALLY believe in number 11.  It’s one thing to “miracle” a lift, ailment or a muscle up.  But once you get it, online it’s time to perfect it.  I PR’ed my Snatch 2 years ago with a 205# lift, and I haven’t hit that lift since.  I own 195.  I’m saying my Snatch is 195 until I start hitting the lift consistently.  I’ve seen this happen with Muscleups and Doubleunders.  First we learn, then we refine, then we master.  It’s all a process.   Nice Box Jumping by Joel   Workout of the Day   “Death by Clean and Jerk” With a continuously running clock, do 1 clean and jerk...
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