Over the weekend, health a handful of the older members of Team CFO (myself included) took on the Masters qualifier WOD for the Proanox “Diamond of the Tough.” It was a 2 parter, the first part being a 3RM Back Squat. Part 2 was the classic triplet of “Cindy.” I haven’t done “Cindy” (AMRAP 20: 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats) in 4 years. Like I said before, I used to do it once a month, and I felt like I “moved on.” I was wrong, I haven’t moved on. The workout was challenging, fun, and left a mark. The beauty is, in CrossFit, you never really move on. If you keep getting better, you can do more work, and it just gets harder. Before Regionals, another competitive CrossFitter referred to the original named WODs as the “easy” workouts. I looked at him like he was crazy. Fran...
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