Below is the first strategy video I’ve ever done. Like everything we do at CFO, ambulance it’s kinda on the fly and my whole family is involved (my kids were in the back seat). If this is helpful, visit web post to Facebook, and we’ll do more. This is for the Proanox WOD 3. Proanox Athletes: I would recommend practicing the movements Mon and Tues, rest Wed and hit it hard Thursday. [youtube] Alison reminded me that I have won competition workouts before. That’s true, but I can’t recall having won an online WOD. Workout of the Day Strength Max Effort Monday Snatch Metcon AMRAP 8 Run 400m w/ 45/25# plate Plate Burpees (touch chest to plate, plate goes over head, then back to the ground. That’s 1). Finish with as many plate burpees as you can do in remaining time.
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