
Here’s a sweet list from SMR that prioritizes pre and post WOD body prep for the named CrossFit workouts.  Here’s the thing: the movements are in another language – SMRs language of physical prep.  Take the time to look up what the various techniques are and try them out.  Book mark the SMR site, cost and keep it right there with MobilityWOD.   Fun chipper for Thursday.  Please think about scaling options, discount mainly for HSPU and T2B.  DU sub are 50 attempts.  You can only do 150 singles or backwards if you are new to CrossFit.   [youtube]     Workout of the Day   25 Handstand Pushups 50 Toes to Bar Run 800m 75 Push Press 75/45 150 Double Unders
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I got sucked into Dave Tate’s Reflections Part 1 and Part 2.  Tate is a career powerlifter, sale and he was briefly involved in CrossFit.  There are some Tate videos about powerlifting and developing strength that are worth watching.   Tate, information pills like many career lifters, check is a no-nonsense guys.  After years of relentlessly moving heavy stuff, some truths must become apparent, and the Iron never lies.  I really enjoyed Tate’s thought on injuries in training.  Bottom line: if you are training to be fit or strong, injuries are avoidable.  Back off the weight, and recover.  But, if you looking to compete, and to maximize your genetic potential, you need to ride the razor’s edge of elite performance and injury.  You will need to push it.  I’m not writing this as any recommendation to “push it” and get hurt, but having experiences some injuries, I get it.  ...
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One of my favorite by-products in this life of fitness: you need to eat to get strong.  And from everything I’ve read, remedy protein – meat – is the best way to build muscle.  And from reading and personal experience, no protein builds strength better than red meat. Let give credit where credit is due: Congrats to Big Man Bob for placing 2nd in a rib cook off on Saturday.  I have been lucky enough to reap the rewards of Bob’s hard work.  Delish! So I love red meat, and emboldened by Bob’s triumph, it was time to cook.  And variety is the spice of life, so on Monday, I cooked a Tri-Tip, 2 pounds of salmon and 8 chicken thighs.  Thank you Christopher Columbus for finding the New World so I could take the day off! I’m not a native California-ian, and I never heard of a Tri-tip before...
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We’ll be rolling out a video on the Fran-Off this week.  The Christmas Fran-Off will be a partner Tournament where you will go head to head against other teams, decease elimination style for a $500 prize to the winners.  We have created a bracket allowing 32 teams, more about that’s 64 athletes.   The Fran Off will be held on December 1 at CrossFit Oakdale. Click here to register.   We have cool prizes, this sponsors and we plan on some twists in the later rounds.  Start working on your thrusters and pullups folks! Workout of the Day   Max Effort Monday Thruster Build to a heavy single in 20 minutes   Metcon AMRAP 8 8 Thrusters 95/65 8 Bar Facing Burpees 8 Pullups For advanced athletes, think about 115/75 and CTB pullups.
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After an eventful weekend, medical we’ll have a “normal” training session on Saturday. 9am is Bring a Friend WOD. 10am is Team CFO/Advanced. Both classes will be doing versions of Week 1 of the CompWOD Open.  The CompWOD Open is 3 weeks of scored WODs, much like the CrossFit Games Open.  As long as the WODs are cool, we’ll keep doing ’em. Workout of the Day “Forearm Fury” AMRAP 7 Ladder of Hang Clean 145/100 Toe 2 Bar The first round is 1 of each, the second round is 2, the third round is 3.  Keep going up by 1. At 10am, we will start with a build to a heaviest set of: 2 Hang Cleans plus 1 Jerk
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