
Today’s WOD is kind of special.  CrossFit Oakdale had amazing support when we opened a little over a year ago.  Not only were we a new gym, prostate but our environment was a little more austere than what some athlete’s were used to.  Not only that, the complex that CrossFit Oakdale is in was less crowded, so there was no lighting in the parking lot.  I likened driving to the gym on winter days to be kind of like dying – head to the light.  Because there was no parking lot or building lights, once you passed Conlin’s, it was pitch black.  As you drove to the gym, you drove to the door with the only light in the whole complex.   On one of the early days, before we had more than a handful of members, Chance, Louis, Alison and I were doing the WOD posted below, which had...
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The “tryout” for the FTF Affiliate Challenge will tentatively be on Thursday, this January 17th at 6:30pm and Wednesday, visit this Jan.23rd at 6:30pm.  This is subject to change – we will continue to update for the week.  This test is not the Open – I’m not going to allow multiple attempts.  Just like competition, information pills you get one shot at it.  Here are the things being tested – Snatch and Clean from the hang, pistols, box jumps, pullups, doubleunders and handstand pushups.  I am going to try to figure out how to incorporate muscle ups as well, but we’ll see.  We have done this test before – it comes from CrossFit One World.  Let’s see if you industrious fitness enthusiasts can scour the internet and find it.   Strength Front Squat 3×3, 70% of 1RM This may seem a little light compared to some of our heavier work. ...
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Nick Z finished 19th at the 2013 OC Throwdown this weekend, drug beating out CrossFit Games veterans, top level Regional athletes and other beasts.  This is a great accomplishment – in my opinion, the programming was as challenging, if not more so, than a CrossFit Regional event.  Nick finished 2nd in an absolutely brutal 7k run with a 70 pound sandbag.  This was a grueling physical and mental test – one that Nick kicked in the nuts. The CrossFit Oakdale dance card is filling up.  Here are the weekend events for the next month: January 19-20 – We are heading down to a CrossFit Kids event in LA – Hannah W is on the wait list for “The Gauntlet” and there is a kids obstacle course.  This event is full, but we’re heading down to check out the craziness at the fitness expo. January 26th- Barbarian Strength and Conditioning is hosting...
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This might be the last “normal” Saturday for a few weeks.  We have some events coming up in the coming weeks – next week we’re heading down to LA for a CrossFit Kids event, this then the first 2 weeks in February we’ll be in Fresno at competitions.  I’m looking into one in Tracy on January 26th   9am is a Bring a Friend WOD.   Justin E will be dropping some speed skill work on us at 10am.  We’ll lead off with that at 10.  If you want to stick around after the 9am and go through Justin’s drills, # sale please do!   10am is Team CFO.   Workout of the Day   9am Bring a Friend Squat Clean and Jerks will be a major component   10am Drills with Justin E   Clean and Jerk practice WOD 5-4-3-2-1 Squat Clean and Jerk 185 Muscle Up   If...
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REMINDER The Body Fat Testing truck will be at CrossFit Oakdale on Friday from 3p to 8p.  There are spots available, stuff call Alison for times.   Here is the link for the CrossFit Combat Fitness Valentine’s Day Couples Competition.  I forgot to post it yesterday. [youtube]   Speal on pullups.  How many times does Speal use the word EFFICIENT?  The last que at the end of the video when they discuss chest to bar pullups is “elbows back.”  We will discuss the more.   Workout of the Day   Strength High Bar Back Squat 3×3, # dosage 75% of 1RM   Metcon For time 60 Chest to Bar Pullups At the top of every minute, including the first minute, stop doing pullups and do 6 burpees.
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