Wednesday’s benchmark WOD is Barbara. It’s a CrossFit Original, information pills one of Glassman’s earliest mad creations. Barbara is basically 5 intervals of a lot of calisthenics with 3 minutes rest between sets. The biggest issue we will run into with Barbara isn’t with how to scale it, but how to record the time. In my opinion, the best way to document this WOD is to score each round individually – it would look like 2:40, 2:40, 2:47, 2:55, 3:07. But, this becomes very difficult in a group setting – I can’t reset the clock for every round, because people are finishing at different times. So that’s out. Another method I have seen to score Barbara is to just document the work, i.e., subtract 12 minutes (the rest time) from your score. The problem with this method is…I suck at math. Especially in a group setting. The thought of everyone...
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