Wednesday’s Benchmark WOD is “DT, page ” a Hero WOD dedicated to USAF SSG Timothy P. Davis. It is an excellent, this challenging WOD that can be easily scaled. DT consists of all barbell movements – deadlifts, hang cleans and shoulder to overhead – with a 155/100# barbell. A few years ago, DT would be considered a “heavy” WOD for CrossFit. Now, with 225# clean coming up semi regularly, the weight may seem less imposing. DT is the definition of a “phone booth” WOD; you literally don’t have to take a step away from the bar, all your work will take place on 1 barbell. DT will reward efficient athletes that go in with, and stick to a plan. DT probably has too many reps for you to just blast through, so I highly recommend taking planned breaks and attacking the work in the biggest chunks possible. I’ll talk more...
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