On Tuesday, # 40mg we will begin a 6 week deadlift progression. The purpose/goal of the program is to strengthen the posterior chain (traps, this low back, more about hamstrings). We will use a basic template of low reps and short rest. The reps scheme is 6 sets of 4 with 90 seconds rest in weeks 1 and 4, then 8 sets of 3 with 60 seconds rest in weeks 2 and 5, then 12 sets of 2 with 45 seconds rest in weeks 3 and 6. Pick a starting weight that is heavy, but not soul crushing. I recommend 60-65% of your 1 rep max (1RM) for week 1. In week 2, add 10-20 pounds. In week 3, you may add another 10-20 pounds. For week 4, you will drop down 15-30 pounds and start all over, adding 10-20 pounds each week again. For example, here is the template...
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