For Wednesday’s benchmark WOD, view I am giving an option. The WOD is “Mary” – a 20 minute AMRAP of 5 Handstand Pushups, 10 alternating pistols and 15 pullups. If you are able to do over 10 rounds of Mary, I suggest you try “Nate” – also a 20 minute AMRAP of 2 muscle ups, 4 HSPU and 8 Kettlebell Swings 70/53. Why the option? Because if you are capable of 10 rounds of Mary, you are doing 150 pullups. That’s a lot. I’m not sure there is any reason to do more than 150 pullups in a WOD. Hand tears and excessive soreness are likely once you get over 100 pullups. Personally, I have done 15 rounds of Mary – that’s 225 pullups. Now, before you start lining up to do Nate, you need to show me you can do 10 rounds of Mary first. Mary or Nate are...
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