
Tomorrow will be our first Saturday in our new location. We promise we won’t make you move anything…except for barbells. Thank you again to everyone who helped out during the week.  Workout of the Day 15-12-9-6-3 Chest to Bar Pullups Clean and Jerk 135/95 Pushups
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As many of you know – I’m not a doctor.  It seems we are either entering, more about or fully into, pilule flu season.  We have also moved into a new gym and although we are settling in and getting it clean, it’s pretty dusty in there. Please make sure you wipe down your bars, balls and any other equipment you use with disinfectant wipes. Please wash your hands after training. If you are using water bottles, please mark yours so we don’t share “mouth germs.”  Again, not a doctor. Last night at the Town Hall meeting we discussed the Nutrition, the Open, challenge/goal/PR boards, the lockers and more. We will have a Paleo versus Zone Nutrition challenge starting January 27 with a pre-challenge meeting on January 22. BUT…if you are thinking about eating right, start now.  Eating nutritious foods is the best way to prevent illness.  Again, I’m not...
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It’s Not About “Productivity.”  It’s About Living Purposefully. from 99U. The Exercise Cure from Workout of the Day 5 RFT 15 Box Jumps 24/20 12 Cleans 155/100 9 Handstand Pushups 20 minute cap
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CrossFit Journal Article 15 CrossFit Journal Article 21 We are going to talk more about this at the Open House and at a following Nutrition seminar, online but we are going to use the Zone Diet on our Nutrition challenge (along with a Paleo Option). There is a ton of information on the Zone, hospital but I recommend starting with the articles I have linked.  Greg Glassman wrote these in 2003-4, information pills years before I started CrossFit and probably 5 years before anyone really started the Paleo craze.  I followed main site programming and the Zone diet for two years (and well into third year) and turned from a fat guy into a very fit guy. If Paleo is focused on the quality of food that you eat, the Zone is focused on the quantity and timing of the food you eat.  On the Zone, you may come to...
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I am an idiot and I should not be allowed to have a blog.  There should be some kind of school, symptoms or licensing or accreditation process for bloggers.  Maybe I was sniffing too much paint during the move. The Open House in scheduled for WEDNESDAY NIGHT at 7:30pm, more about not Tuesday.  I’m sorry.  I am blaming Alison, as she is supposed to correct my mistakes. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Week 6 of the Cube Deadlift 1 set of 8, 75% of 1RM Take at least 10, more like 15 minutes to warm up to this weight.  Use sets of 3 to get there.  Only perform one set of 8 reps – your game weight. Conditioning AMRAP 3 5 Pullups 7 Burpees Rest 3 Perform this cycle 3 total times (it’s a total of 9 minutes of work).  Pick up later rounds where you left off.  If you...
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