
You may have heard Coach Lou yelling at one of CrossFit Oakdale’s “seasoned”/Masters athletes, # approved something like “pick up the BLEEPIN bar!” or “Stand all the way up!”  or perhaps you might hear Coach Lou badger or go back and forth with this athlete like an old married couple. Not to worry. NO, price it’s NOT Lou’s wife… IS a family member. DON Q, Coach Lou’s uncle. These two are a dynamic duo and are so fun to be around. You can’t help but chuckle when these two are working out together and verbally bantering back and forth. Don works hard and is a positive force at CFO. Don recently re-did 14.1 and 14.2 and improved on both workouts compared to his first attempts. Yeah, Don! Way to go! One of his fellow CFOers describes him as being a “Lively and no nonsense guy”. Coach Lou introduced his Uncle...
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For those of you with “emotional hands” after 14.2 and a deadlift/T2B WOD. [vimeo 4895278 w=500 h=375] <p><a href=”″>Taping your hands for pull-ups</a> from <a href=””>CrossFit Los Angeles</a> on <a href=””>Vimeo</a>.</p> Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Clean and Jerk Take 10 minutes to  build to 65-70% of 1RM. Use that weight and do 2 reps OTM for 7 Conditioning AMRAP 7 3 Cleans 165/105 10 Box Jumps 24/20
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14.2 was one of the most challenging WODs CrossFit has ever posted.  Congrats to all go you that wen deep into this test of will. Honestly, sales some of my favorite moments were the PRs that came out of 14.2.  Carlos, # 60mg Thomas, Brad, Danelle, Mike B, Scott, Jake and more PRed their Overhead Squat to get  at least 1 rep in 14.2.  Great work!  That’s why we do this stuff. Quick scheduling change – we haven’t had a lot of folks testing the WOD on Thursday night.  We will have normal CrossFit classes on Thursday nights – we’ll have Friday, Saturday and Sunday to crush the final 3 Open WODs. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM for 5 15 Wallball Shots 20/14 This should take 30-35 seconds.  If it takes longer, do less reps each minute – 10 or 12. Conditioning 5 RFT 15 Deadlift 185/135 15 Toes...
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We’ve had some excellent runs at 14.2!  It’s a challenging WOD – maybe the most challenging Open WOD ever.  The two movements are both (relatively) high skill and the time domain leaves little room for error. We will have a fun WOD at 9am and will begin warming up OHS and pullups at 10.  Heats should begin at 10:30. If you want to try 14.2, page you can always scale using the masters weights/reps. Some strategy -this is equally a OHS or C2B WOD.  If you have trouble with either, sale it will be very apparent.  Ideally, tadalafil you can go slow in the first round of 10 or even 12.  Or even 14.  The best way to go slow is to hammer the OHS in big, steady sets and take the C2B in small, manageable sets.  3s 4s and 5 are best – more gets dangerous. -if you begin...
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[youtube]   Workout of the Day From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: 10 overhead squats95/65 10 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 3:00-6:00 2 rounds of: 12 overhead squats 12 chest-to-bar pull-ups From 6:00-9:00 2 rounds of: 14 overhead squats 14 chest-to-bar pull-ups Etc., purchase following same pattern until you fail to complete both rounds 
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