
I am looking to put the order in for the Regionals T-shirts by Tuesday of next week. I will be ordering some extra tanks and t’s that will NOT have anything on the back. If you want the OFFICIAL REGIONALS T-SHIRT you must pre order. T-shirts are $22 and tanks are $20. Both come in sizes from small to XXL. Ladies – order a size up from what you normally would as these normally run a bit small. Men – this is the same style t-shirt I always get, # 100mg so your sizes stay the same. I will be putting out a sheet on the front desk to put your order on if you haven’t told me directly. Space Mountain BABY! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat 1 set of 8, 70% of 1RM Take 10-15 minutes to warm up to this lift. Conditioning 3 RFT 30 Box...
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How good is your grip?  On Thursday, # dosage we will find out. I have a buddy, Chad, that is coming to train with me on Thursday night.  Chad has been to the Games on a team 3 times, and qualified for the Games this year in the 40-44 Division.  He was 6th in NorCal in the Open.  Training with Chad is always an eye opener, mainly because he works so freaking hard and is so freaking nice.  In 2011, when we were training together for the Games, I asked him what was the best thing to focus on in the month before Regionals.  He quickly said “Grip Stamina.”  I asked, “Can you really improve that in such a short time?”  He replied “ABSOLUTELY!”  Chad opined that grip stamina is one of the few things that can be improved relatively quickly.  His recommendation was to pick up heavy stuff and...
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I have said I am not a big fan of the obstacle race. I have done my share, pilule but am kind of over it. Anecdotally, medical I would run a mountain course where  the terrain is part obstacle but I would avoid-like the plague- man made courses in rural areas. Here is why.  The one I would do  would be a Tough Mudder in Tahoe… sans electric shock. But that is a story for another time.   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 5 sets of 2, 80% of 1RM Conditioning 3 RFT 400m run 21 Burpees
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***No 11am Class Tuesday, remedy May 6th*** Today’s WOD is the final event from this years Regionals.  I don’t know how to describe it – it’s kind of a couplet, cheap but not really, kind of a chipper, but not really.  What it IS is damn hard. First off, most of you will have to scale at least 1 part of the WOD.  The Overhead Squat weight is very challenging, so use the strength session to find a challenging weight.  BUT…know that after 64 pullups that bar is going to be heavier than you think. Scale the pullups as you normally would – bands would be fine here for scaling. There is a 6 minute cap on the WOD, and a 4 minute cap on Pullups.  That means if you get done before move on to the OHS, but if not, stop where you are, record your number of pullups...
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Kevinsclimb Since 9/11, ambulance America has been in a state of war.  As these wars wind down, # 100mg and we begin to take inventory on what has happened over the last 13 years, I hope we continue to reflect on the lives lost and altered. My bother served 9 years in the Navy with SEAL Team 4.  He just got out weeks ago.  I know he is proud of his service, and he is still in awe of the men he served with.  I also know he lost many friends over the years, and these losses hurt him terribly. One of my brother’s close friends, Kevin Ebberts, was killed in Afghanistan on November 24, 2012.  I remember the phone call when it happened, and I can still remember the pain in his voice. For so many that have served and lost loved ones, I’m not sure they really get...
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