
We will perform “Death By Barbell” next week, # sale on 27 & 28 June.  Death by Barbell is: 5RFT 15 Deadlift 12 Hang Power Cleans 9 Front Squat 6 Push Jerk RX – 135/95 Scaled – 95/65 There will be a 25 minute cap.  Any reps not completed in the 25 minutes will be added to your time.  For example, if complete 4 rounds, plus the 15 DL, 12 HPC and 9 FS, but did not complete the 6 Jerks, your time would be 25:06. More details tomorrow… Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat 1 set of 8, 75% of 1RM Take 12-15 minutes to warm up to this heavy set using 3s and 5s. Conditioning “Wallball Fran” 30 Wallball Shots 21 Pullups 20 Wallball Shots 15 Pullups 10 Wallball Shots 9 Pullups Wallball is 20/14 There is a 10 minute cap.
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This is my first “normal” Saturday in a long time.  No practing Regional WODs, click no worrying about Snatching, or Handstand walks.  Whew.  How do I like to “celebrate.”  By working hard and remembering those that made the ultimate sacrifice. This WOD is dedicated to Corporal Ryan McGhee.  Ryan was a member of the 75th Ranger Regiment.  RLTW! We will run this WOD at 9 and 10. There are many ways to scale.  Lower the weight, partner up, do a round every 2 or 3 minutes, or even 4.  Just work hard folks. [youtube] Classic CrossFit Demo video!  Shirts off, no Reebok in site, cool music. Workout of the Day “McGhee” AMRAP 30 5 Deadlift 275/185 13 Pushups 9 Box Jumps 24/20
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Scaling this WOD can be tricky.  With the weight, capsule use something that is tough but manageable, ensuring that you can squat the bar every time you clean it.  Power Clean to Front Squat is acceptable, but is more work. For the Handstand Pushups (HSPU), I have provided 2 WOD options.  They are: 21 SC, 42 Pushups, 15 SC, 30 Pushups, 9 SC, 18 Pushups or 21 SC, 7 Wall Climbs, 15 SC, 5 Wall Climbs, 9 SC, 3 Wall Climbs If you are going RX, we likely will not have time to review HSPU.  Kipping is allowed, even encouraged.  BUT…watch out for loading on your head for kipping.  I find strict HSPU safer on the ole’ neck, because you are less likely to “bounce” out of the bottom of the handstand (while loading on your head) while performing strict.  That played out in this years Regionals. [youtube]  ...
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There is a handstand pushup WOD on Friday. Below is a video to review technique and movement. Not to worry…there will be multiple scaling options. [youtube] Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM for 7 10 Toes to Bar Conditioning 3 RFT 800m run 30 Wallball Shots 20/14 30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35  
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Today’s WOD is a little different.  It comes from  After 2 fast, and light triplets, we are doing a heavy, technical, single modality WOD.  Normally, we would do a strength session, but the WOD is challenging enough that tackling it alone will be an excellent test of fitness – strength, technique and more will be tested. Obviously, scaling will be needed.  Here is my recommendation.  Take 10-12 minutes to warm up to a heavy Snatch, basically a strength/technique warm up.  If you are going RX, I recommend going slightly above for 3 reps (like 175/110 or 185/115) then dropping down to RX to start the WOD. If you are not working at RX weight, I recommend working up to a heavy weight, then dropping 10-15% for the WOD. If the first round (the set of 21) takes longer than 5 minutes, you’ve gone too heavy. The weight should be...
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