
Kevin’s Climb (the fundraiser we did over Memorial Day) kicked off at the end of last week. Yesterday, about it Day 4, pills 2 members of the team made it up the west ridge of the Cyclamora Wall. It took 12 hours of climbing. We wish them a safe and sound trip back. We were lucky enough to visit with one of the team members… Brian’s brother Rob! If you haven’t checked it out yet, this web Climb for the Fallen is a “non-profit group looking to memorialize US Service members whose lives were lost in combat operations and support their families by facilitating outdoor adventures.”  Kevin’s Climb was the first adventure taken on by the group. In the future they hope to work on adventures with families with a focus on children to who have a lost their parents in combat.  BIG SHOUT OUT to all who came and tackled...
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Wednesday’s WOD is the quintessential CrossFit WOD – Fran.  Fran is short, dosage fast and…dare I say fun?  It’s a great push/pull WOD – thrusters are the push, seek pullups are the pull – right when you are getting really tired from pushing, you switch to pulling, and you almost feel refreshed.  Until “something” happens.  It may be in the set of 15, or the set of 9, but all of a sudden, things catch up with you. The goal tomorrow is to get you prepared for it.  As a general rule in CrossFit, the shorter the WOD, the longer the warm up.  As Fran done well can be sub 3 minutes, you need some time getting ready. Aerobically, here’s what I recommend, and what you’ll be doing in class to get prepped. A 4 minute light run to open the lungs and get you breathing.  You can sub a...
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Death By Barbell (DBB) is a robust barbell WOD – the weight is moderate to heavy, discount depending on your ability and there are a lot of reps which will test your efficiency (among other things).  DBB is long enough that you can’t just sprint through it and worry about the lactic acid build after, so every athlete will enter the pain cave at some point. I would like to use DBB to highlight strength weaknesses.  Some of these ideas may be true for you, some may not.  Also, if strength is your weakness, you are lucky – I would consider strength the easiest issue to address.  BUT…strength takes time to develop.  Yes, you can improve your strength over the next 6 weeks, but use the lessons learned over the coming weeks and months.  Then, look out world! Generally, DBB exposes core, leg strength/muscular endurance and shoulder strength/muscle endurance. If...
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Great job to all of you that completed Death By Barbell over the weekend.  As you found out, # that WOD is no joke.  I had a great time on Friday night – I would like to plan some mare Friday Night Barbell WODs… Lots of cool stuff is brewing at CFO – make sure you check out our Facebook page. CFO is closed this weekend, including Friday – the Fourth of July. CrossFit Oakdale Kids and Teens will be on break from July 7th to the 15th. Classes will resume the 16th.  On Wednesday July 9th there will be no 4:30pm class.  I’ll have some strategy tips, lessons learned and way to attack your weaknesses in Death By Barbell in the coming days. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat 5 sets of 2, 90% of 1RM Heavy Take 10-12 minutes to get warm and at least 2 minutes...
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We are doing Death By Barbell at 10 am. There will be a WOD before at 9am and after at about 10:30am if you did Death By Barbell yesterday. That WOD is hard, price please stick around and cheer people on.  9AM 50 Wall Ball 20/14 50 Toes to Bar 50 Wall Ball 20/14 50 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 10AM OTM 16 Odd – Front Squat 225/155 3 Reps Even- 3 Muscle Ups OR 8 Chest to Bar Pullups Conditioning 50 Wall Ball 50 Toes To Bar 50 Wall Ball 50 Kettlebell Swings
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