Wednesday’s WOD is the quintessential CrossFit WOD – Fran. Fran is short, dosage fast and…dare I say fun? It’s a great push/pull WOD – thrusters are the push, seek pullups are the pull – right when you are getting really tired from pushing, you switch to pulling, and you almost feel refreshed. Until “something” happens. It may be in the set of 15, or the set of 9, but all of a sudden, things catch up with you. The goal tomorrow is to get you prepared for it. As a general rule in CrossFit, the shorter the WOD, the longer the warm up. As Fran done well can be sub 3 minutes, you need some time getting ready. Aerobically, here’s what I recommend, and what you’ll be doing in class to get prepped. A 4 minute light run to open the lungs and get you breathing. You can sub a...
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