
This is Max Out week!  We will establish 1 RM on the major lifts – Squat on Monday, order Deadlift on Wednesday and Press on Friday.  This is the point of emphasis for the week – perform strong.  I don’t want to say the WODs will be easy, because they never are (the workout on Tuesday is awesome), but the focus should be on testing your strength. Remember, Saturday is a swimming WOD at the High School. In addition, the Master’s Functional Fitness WODs have been announced.  They are logistically difficult – requiring all types of equipment and time.  If you are  signed up and interested in videoing, you will need to work that out.  I would recommend using Open Gym on Thursday, after the 6:30 class on Friday, and Open Gym on Sunday to perform the WODs.  We will do the Swimming WOD at the pool on Saturday. Finally,...
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The Body Fat testing starts at 8 and goes until 12. Saturday’s WOD comes from and it is classic CrossFit – heavy, no rx light, order gymnasty and jumpy.  Just look at the numbers – 3!, stuff 6!,9!, 27! – multiples of 3?!? It feels so right it makes me giddy.  It is also easily scaled.  We have done a lot of box jumps this week, and we have more on tap.  I highly recommend stepping down. At 10am, we will start off with Handstand Practice. Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 3 Hang Power Cleans 185/115 6 Ring Dips 9 Box Jumps 30/24 27 Doubleunders
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The barbell on today’s Front Squat work is rather heavy – scale to 65% of 1RM.  The goal is to keep the work for each set to about a minute, troche so scale accordingly.  Also, purchase the goal is to keep the Front Squat unbroken, at least in the beginning.  If it is a mental fight to hang onto the bar for rounds 4 and 5, then you are doing it right. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Shoulder Press 3 sets of 8, 70% of 1RM Conditioing 5 Rounds, for total time, including rest 5 Front Squat 205/135 10 Box Jumps 24/20 Rest 1 minute after each round
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Barbells Behind Bars from T Nation I don’t know if it’s because I loved Orange is the New Black or that I know a good amount of people that have spent some time behind bars, malady but I found this article thoughtful and interesting. [youtube] Old School CrossFit Video alert.  This guy was known as “B Boy.”  Brandon Gilliam, this site he was a CrossFit Original.  You see guys like this all the time in California.  But for me, sitting in NYC watching exercise videos, tattoos and flat brim hats, he looked like an alien. Workout of the Day 5RFT 400m run Left Hand 50′ Overhead Walking Lunge 45/35 Right Hand 50′ Overhead Walking Lunge 45/35 15 Pullups
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Today’s work requires our heaviest loads of this 18 week cycle – 5 sets of 2 deadlift at 90%.  Ensure you are thoroughly warmed up – don’t rush the warm up.  I do not recommend treating the sets of 2 as singles, hospital but if you have drop and reset, hospital do so. The conditioning piece requires quite a bit of skill, salve either scaled or as prescribed.     Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Deadlift 5 sets of 2, 90% of 1RM Conditioning 25 Strict Handstand Pushups 25 Kipping Handstand Pushups 25 Pushups At the top of each minute, do 15 Doubleunders or 15 Wall Climbs 15 Wide Arm Pushups 15 Thumb Touching Pushups (also referred to as diamond pushups, but your thumbs must be touching) At the top of each minute do 15 Doubleunders (or any DU substitute, 1 for1) 10 minute cap for either option.  Go hard
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