
Tomorrow’s WOD will take place at the Oakdale High School Aquatic Center. It will be in the pool and out of the pool…so bring a towel and  swimsuit. The pool is a consistent 80 degrees. We will meet at 8:30am and begin WOD at 9am. Oakdale High School Aquatic Center at 739 West G Street, patient Oakdale, # 40mg Ca. There will also be a CrossFit Style WOD as well once we get everyone’s ability level and comfortability in the pool. MFFL 1.4 AMRAP Round 1 4 minutes to complete: 50 Air squats 20 hand release push-ups 2 minute tread water (Can use both hands in water to help tread) Round 2 3 minutes to complete: 50 air squats 20 hand release push-ups 3 minute tread water (same hand must remain out of water at all times) Round 3 3 minutes to complete: 50 air squats 20 hand release push-ups...
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Remember, more about we are swimming on Saturday at OHS.  We will get there at 8:30am. I am seriously toying with the idea of re-testing the lifts – deadlift, squat, press – next week.  This way, if you did not PR, but were close, and maybe you miss timed your rest or worked too much, or too little, you will have a better idea of how to attack your target number. If you PR’ed your deadlift, sorry Charlie, you only get that once.  My back is mighty tight today. For Milo, if you did the deadlift and went really heavy, think about doing 3 singles this week, as the tension will be less on Mr. Low Back.  Or just be tough and hang on. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Shoulder Press Build to a heavy single – establish a 1RM Then “Milo” 3 Power Clean OTM for 10.  Add 10#...
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Swimming WOD is on Saturday. There will be a swimming workout along with the MFFL WOD. We are meeting at the Oakdale High School at 8:30am. Wear a bathing suit and bring a towel. Any questions on the other MFFL WOD’s can be directed to Brian or Alison.          Workout of the Day AMRAP 24 200m Run 12 Snatch 95/65 24 Doubleunders 200m Run 24 Pushups 24 Doubleunders
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So here’s the deal on the Masters Functional Fitness League (MFFL). This is only the first week of competition, healing but in my opinion the WOD’s are a bit of a disaster. Not ALL of them, side effects but a few in particular have a lot of moving parts, sickness are very long and make me question this first week of competition. I am not alone in this concern; there are countless comments and concerns on their Facebook and website voicing all types of questions from logistics to anything else you could imagine. One issue is that none of the WOD’s are conducive to a class setting, except possibly the swim workout…but you would still need a pool.  The good thing about this competition is that they stated you do not have to do all of the workouts. The Deadlift triplet looks like a good one. If you would like to...
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CrossFit Nerd Stuff Ahead!  Attached is an ESPN panel (organized arguments) between Russell Berger from CrossFit and Mark Rippetoe, generic formerly of CrossFit.  If you are at all interested in this, # 40mg you have been around CrossFit for a few years or are fascinated with the argument between variance and randomness.  I guess I fall into both camps.  I love Rip, but I disagree with him here. [youtube] Rippetoe when CrossFit and Rippetoe were a happy coupling.  On the surface, at least… Workout of the Day 2 RFT 50 Wallball Shors 20/14 40 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 30 Toes to bar 200m run
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