
I will be holding an Open Prep meeting Tuesday night at 7:30pm.  The points I would like to discuss are: week planning, order game day nutrition, warm ups, identifying weaknesses and strengths and how to plan.  The Open is approaching and if you want to maximize your performance, you will need to test out your game day prep and planning. In recent years, we did a lot of Open WODs in the lead up to the Open.  That can be helpful, but it can also be pretty stressful.  We will only attempt a couple of Open WODs over the coming weeks, but the first one will be this Saturday.  At both 9 and 10am, we will retest 14.3 – an 8 minute Deadlift/Box Jump couplet with the deadlifts getting heavier and heavier.  In each class, we will run multiple heats and each heat will be judged.  Otherwise it will be...
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There will not be a 5:30am class tomorrow morning.  There WILL be a Open Prep meeting this Tuesday, # approved January 20th at 7:30pm. If you don’t think you will be doing the Open, health you should come. If you think you will be doing the Open, you should come.  Next Thursday evening, January 29th, will be a new member review class. For those of you who have completed the Intro Sessions, I would like to offer up this time to get back together and go over some things you may want to spend extra time on. We will be doing this review class the third Thursday of every month (after the first one). Please let Alison know if you will be attending and if there is a specific movement you would like to go over.   Workout of the Day Strength  Front Squat Double – week 7 of 8 Should...
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Our girl Jen Z is competing in WODapalooza in Miami this weekend. Let’s wish her great luck and do one of the WOD’s that she is doing.  We will do this WOD in both classes. Scale the Pullups as normal. Scale the Handstand Pushups as 5/3 Wall Climbs and adjust the weight on the squat snatch.  At 10am we will do a face melting OTM of alternating box jumps and med ball cleans. That’s right. I said MedBall Cleans. The MBC is much maligned and isn’t a “cool kid” of the CrossFit exercise world, recipe but few movements will build stamina like the MBC.  Workout of the Day 3 RFT 21 Chest to Bar Pullups 15 Handstand Pushups 9 Squat Snatch 155/100
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Today’s WOD is one of my favorite’s – a Squat Clean ladderish kind of thing.  The starting weight is 155/105 and you are expected to jump 10/5# each round.  If that starting weight is aggressive for you, approved start lower.  A decent starting weight may be 135/85.  Try to make 10 jumps from there.  You should be able to do 10 plus reps in the first round. You get a whole 3 minutes to rest and recover for each effort.  Wanna see 3 minutes go by fast?  Just wait until round 4… Workout of the Day 5 Rounds for Reps Squat Clean 155/105 Perform as many Squat Clean as possible in 1 minute Rest 3 minutes Add 10/5# each round.  Weights for each round: 155/105, search 165/110, 175/115, 185/120, 195/125 Following this WOD, build to a max effort Squat Clean
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We had a pretty cool night on Tuesday night.  During the 6:30pm class, more about the power went out all around the TL Davis Complex (and checking FB, information pills maybe all over Oakdale).  While deadlifting, seek we were plunged into darkness.  Cooler heads prevailed and panic was avoided.  Coach Denny told us to slide our feet as not to trip over loaded barbells or weight in the blackness.  Instead of saying, well it’s dark, let’s go home, we pulled out our cell phone lights, Conney pulled up her car and we used the headlights and we kept on lifting.  Melissa wondered aloud “What do they do at Gold’s gym when the power goes out?  How do they run when their treadmills won’t go?” Instead of working out to music, we got Denny’s time reminders and the sound of our breathing. We experienced a WOD blackout right around the time...
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