15.5, discount the final WOD of the 2015 CrossFit Games Open is upon us. Come in on Saturday, dosage work very hard, # approved bring a dish, and we’ll have a pot luck lunch. June was gracious enough to loan her rower, so we will be able to run 5 per heat. We’ll do a warm up at 9am and start heats at 9:30. There are a few good tips floating around the internet, but here is what I think. – This is the first, and only WOD that is mainly lactic, meaning your pace will be dictated by the acid in your blood and not the endurance in your muscles. I imagine this one might hurt a little bit 😉 – Because of this, since we are doing it in the morning, I would recommend eating a light breakfast. Nothing too heavy, make sure you get some good carbs....
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