
I will have more to say about this in the future…BUT every workout so far has required muscular endurance and some level of skill. 15.5 has almost none of that and all guts. Good Luck. God Bless. Workout of the Day 15.5 27-21-15-9 reps for time of: Row (calories) Thrusters Men use 95 lb. Women use 65 lb.
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15.5 is announced Thursday night.  Our Thursday WODs have been predictable – after the Open, abortion we’ll get some creativity back on Thursdays.  Promise. Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 Parking Lot Run 15 Pullups (or 5 Muscle Ups) Parking Lot Run 10 Overhead Squats 115/75
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Saturday we will be celebrating the end of the Open post 15.5. If you are cuckoo bananas you can still complete this on Sunday during Open Gym and Monday morning. There is a sign up sheet on the message board as you walk in to the gym. Please sign up for something to bring, patient and of course your favorite drink. If you are bringing kids, information pills please bring drinks for them too:) There is an event on Facebook – please mark if you are attending that way we can have a slight headcount.  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Press Complex, Week 4 2 Shoulder Press, 1 Push Press with a 3 second hold at the top. Take 15 minutes to build to a heavy set.  If you did 15.4, use that same push – or extension – as you did at the top of the HSPU. Conditioning Against...
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Denny introduced me to this meditation app, ampoule Headspace.  It’s 10 minutes  a day of meditation.  I will be the first to admit, drug I never tried anything like meditation before.  Headpsace can do for meditation what CrossFit did for elite fitness – change the perception for the masses.  The app allows you to sign up for 10 free sessions.  Check it out. I can’t figure out how to update my player, and but I had a sweet video from Headspace…check out the site. A CFO repeat – from the mind of Coach Louis Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM for 12 Even 6/3 Dips (Rings are ok to use) Odd 6 Pullups (Strict if possible) Conditioning 6 RFT 12 Toes to Bar 24 Walking Lunges 48 Doubleunders Sub for DU is 10 attempts and 8 Burpees
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Small change to the strength plan this week – we’ve moved the Press Complex to Wednesday.  We will have conditioning WODs on Tuesday and Thursday (with a Pullup/Dip strength session on Tuesday).  The last WOD of the Open, online 15.5, there will be Friday and Saturday – there appears to be Thrusters, Burpees and Box Jumps left.  Could they somehow add those three into one movement? Do a burpee onto a bar, jump the bar onto the box and do a Thruster on top of the box?  Does this sound safe?  Did I just create something? Second, let me commend you for being stoic in the face of the new HSPU standard.  If you did any social media surfing, the HSPU standard was reacted to like a turd in a punch bowl.  I have always adhered to the “Doomsday Principle” made popular by the Outlaw Way, but it’s pretty simple. ...
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