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Alison and I attended the CrossFit Level 1 Seminar over the weekend.  CrossFit coaches have to be certified after 5 years – we actually attended our first seminar in 2009, look but they did not begin testing until 2010, so we found ourselves back at the beginning.  Even for folks like us, that live and breathe CrossFit everyday, it was an excellent way to spend a weekend and there was stuff to learn, be reminded of, and relearn.  It was like getting to go back to Dagobah and shake  hands with Yoda for a weekend. (Alison even got up the nerve to ask Katie Hogan what her favorite Arrested Development character was. Al didn’t have any CrossFit specific questions…just more concerned about #AD) CrossFit teaches the 9 foundational movements at the Level 1 Seminar – the Squat series (Air, Front and Overhead), the Press series (Press, Push Press and Push...
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This weekend we will be heading to Knight’s Ferry to WOD outside. Please RSVP if you are coming so we can plan accordingly. We will meet at the parking lot that is up top, treatment across from the rafting parking lot. On Sunday we will be closed. On Monday we will be having a 9am only WOD. We will be doing the Hero WOD- “Hotshots 19” Six rounds for time of: 30 Squats 135 pound Power clean, information pills 19 reps 7 Strict Pull-ups Run 400 meters If this seems challenging, stuff we can and will modify appropriately. You can also work with a partner. Just make sure you come on in and join us! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 3 sets of 1 Push Press or Push Jerk, 2 Overhead Squats Week 3 of 4 – week 1 was 60% of 1RM Clean and Jerk.  You may add 5-10#...
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This weeks CrossFit “Girls” Benchmark is “Grace” – 30 Clean and Jerks at 135/95 for time.  We play with this weight all the time, information pills the thing about this WOD that may be different is the time domain – if performed well, # 100mg if can be done in 1-2 minutes. Just a word or 2 on WOD strategy.  Your ability to handle the weight will dictate your plan.  From my experience, holding onto he bar for as many reps as possible from the start, and not breaking until your grip fails is the fastest way to go.  It is also the most metabolically challenging.  Chained reps to a target number, than singles may be the best for you.  Singles are a little slower, but are not as taxing, so they may be fastest.  Again, from testing, it is very difficult to perform 30 single Clean and Jerks much...
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Alison and I just got back from our renewing our CrossFit Level 1 status.  It was a fun weekend – CrossFit straight from the spigot.  We got to do a sweet burner on the end of Saturday and wanted to share it with all of you. The Benchmark Girl for this week is Grace – 30 Clean and Jerks 135/95 for time.  It’s a full on sprint. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 2 Position Hang Snatch (Low then High) 3 sets – take 10 minutes to warm up.  You may work below the knee on the low position, # 40mg then from the high work at mid thigh. Front Squat, 3 sets of 8 For all sets, we started at 60% of 1RM in week 1.  You may add 5-10# to this weeks lift. Conditioning 3RFT 15 Thrusters 95/65 12 Burpees 9 minute cap
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