
For the next 4 weeks, order the strength work will be: Monday – 5 sets of 2 Hang Clean, diagnosis 1 Split Jerk, 3 sets of 3 Clean Pulls Wednesday – 4 sets of 2 Snatch Balance, 5 sets of 3 Front Squat Friday – 5 sets of 1 Power Snatch, 1 Hang Squat Snatch, 4 sets of 2 Back Squat with a 3 second pause at the bottom. Tuesday’s Benchmark is a classic CrossFit couplet – “Diane” – 21-15-9 of Deadlift 225/155, Handstand Pushups.  In the coming weeks we will re-test The Chief, Filthy 50 and DT. Couple of more highlights for the week – Season 3 of Orange is the New Black drops on Netflix Friday and the Swim WOD is Saturday. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Week 1 of 4 5 sets of 2 Hang Clean, 1 Split Jerk Target weight is 70% of 1RM Clean and...
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I will do a quickie 20 minute or so Muscle Up Clinic at 10am.  It will take 20 minutes or so – it will be a great session after the 9am or a great warm up for the 10am. Workout of the Day “KBS Annie” 50-40-30-20-10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 Double Unders 10am 30 KBS 70/53 15 Muscleups 20 KBS 10 Muscleups 10 KBS 5 Muslceups There will be a 15 minute cap HSPU “Flight Simulator” – shamelessly borrowed from Misfit Athletics HSPU 3-6-9-12-15-12-9-6-3 All rounds must be UB This will be a good primer for next weeks benchmark – Diane. Finally, buy information pills if there is time, I have a bench press idea…
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Workout of the Day Strength Clean and Jerk Max effort on 30  minutes. Your choice on Squat or Power clean… Conditioning 10 RFT 10 Thruster 75/55 10 Toe to Bar 15 m time cap
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No need to worry, ed we should be back home safe and sound by the time you read this. We took a few days to get back to nature, camping style. We are truly blessed to live in a part of the country where we can float the river on a super hot day one weekend, and then pack up some warm clothes and hit a coastal camping spot the next. If you haven’t scheduled a break in your regularly scheduled lives, you should get on that. Here are some tips for making the most of your vacation.  Workout of the Day Fight Gone Bad Style 5 Rounds For Reps Deadlift 185/135 Ring Dips* 30 Ft Shuttle Run (one length = 1 rep) *Box dips can be substituted for the Ring dips
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Workout of the Day Strength Overhead Squat Max effort overhead squat from the rack. You will need to use the movements we trained with the behind the neck push press/jerk we have done for the past 4 weeks. If you have recently done “Cindy” you may be a little sore:) Take 20-30 minutes. Conditioning 12M AMRAP Parking lot run 15  Box Jump & Over
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