
CrossFit Oakdale had a great Saturday weightlifting seminar with Charles Shipman.  Some highlights Chance snatched 260.  That’s a CFO record and a great lift. We had about 20 PRs throughout the day. We learned you can’t forward jump with your with your fingers under toes.  Trust me. Once again, no rx we were reminded – Position, especially Position 1, is king.  We drill the Positions every time we pick up a bar.  This will continue.  Forever. Filthy 50 on Tuesday.  As we would say in the Army, stretch and drink water. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Week 3 of 4 5 sets of 2 Hang Clean and 1 Jerk Work up to 80% of 1RM and perform your 5 sets. Cleans Pulls 3 sets of 3 92-95% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk.  You might need a calculator. Conditioning AMRAP 7 5 Deadlift 225/155 10 Alternating Pistols If you can’t...
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Just a heads up – no classes on Saturday. If you are still interested in coming to the weightlifting seminar but didn’t sign up…come on in! $115 for the entire day. There is a lunch break, illness but I would recommend bringing something as there isn’t much nearby. No classes on Sunday – go give  your dad, husband or someone’s else’s dad a hug! See you Monday!
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The Strength Algorithm – by Charles Shipman Charles Shipman will be coming Saturday for the weightlifting seminar. There are still some spots available for the seminar. It is $115 for the entire day. starts an 9am and will end by 4:30-5pm.  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 5 sets of Power Snatch and a Hang Squat Snatch Use 65-70% of 1RM 4 sets of 2 Pause Back Squats Recommended weight is 65% of 1RM Back Squat Conditioning 7 RFT 12 Wallball Shots 20/14 12 Box Jumps 24/20 7 RFT
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Just a reminder that we will be hosting a weightlifting seminar with Charles Shipman on Saturday.  There will not be any CrossFit classes, buy more about as we will be geeing out on the lifts. There are still a few spots left ($115 ) The day will begin at 9am and end around 5pm. There will be a 1 hour break for lunch. CrossFit Oakdale will be closed on Father’s Day Workout of the Day “Annie Get Your Gun” 50 Doubleunders 2 Clean and Jerks 225/155 40 Doubleunders 2 Clean and Jerks 30 Doubleunders 2 Clean and Jerks 20 Doubleunders 2 Clean and Jerks 10 Doubleunders 2 Clean and Jerks
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I Make Mistakes So You Don’t Have To from JTS.Great stuff from Jacob Tsypkin on the constantly moving target – becoming more fit. [youtube] Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch Balance 4 sets of 2, try 60-65% of 1RM Snatch Front Squat 5 sets of 3, # approved 75-80% of 1RM Take 10 minute get warmed up on the Snatch Balance.  Once you complete your 4 sets, your legs should be pretty warm.  Transition quickly to the Front Squat, with 3-4 quick warm up sets, and start squatting heavy. Conditioning 30 Chest to Bar Pullups 30 Burpees to Plate 30 Wallball Shots 7 minute cap Pacing is cool, but my recommendation is that you try to go unbroken, or in as big of sets as possible.  Treat this as a dead sprint – scale the C2B to regular pull-ups if you have them.  If not, C2B Body or Ring...
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