
It’s going to be 106 Degrees on Wednesday.  I had originally programmed a running/WB WOD, pharmacy but last time we ran, price it was just as hot.  As much as I love misery, sending people in and out of the hot sun is not my bag. Please make sure you are dressed for the hot weather, use the mister out in front if needed, and drinks lots of water before you get here.  Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 4 of 4 Snatch Balance 4 sets of 2, 75% of 1RM Snatch Front Squat 5 sets of 3, 80% of 1RM Front Squat Conditioning 5 rounds for reps 40 seconds at each station, 20 seconds to transition to next station Calorie Row Wallball Shot 20/14 Kettlebell Swing 53/35
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DT was first posted in 2009 and is a Hero WOD dedicated to USAF SSG Timothy Davis.  We will honor him and test ourselves on the week of the anniversary of our independence as a nation. When DT was first posted, this web it was considered a heavy WOD.  5-6 years later, patient as everyone in the community has gotten not only stronger but more technically proficient, the WOD doesn’t seem as daunting and becomes more of a test of strategy, pacing and knowing your self than grunting through heavy singles. Breaking it down, the Deadlifts are light.  But be careful here – if you speed through them, you are likely to jack your heart rate, making the whole WOD harder.  Think moving smoothly and efficiently.  Not slow, but smooth. I would recommend using a mixed grip for the first 11 reps, then dropping the bar, and re-gripping with a Clean...
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The Benchmark WOD this week is not a “Girl” but a Hero WOD – DT.  DT is 5 RFT 12 Deadlift, malady 9 Hang Power Cleans, advice 6 Push Jerks with a 155/100# bar.  There is a ton of strategy to this WOD.  More on that tomorrow. We will be closed Saturday & Sunday for the 4th of July weekend. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 4 of 4 5 sets of Hang Cleans and 1 Split Jerk Try to work to 80-85% of 1RM Clean Pulls 3 sets of 3 95-100% of 1RM Clean and Jerk Conditioning AMRAP 8 30 Doubleunders 10 Pullups If you are able to complete 10 rounds in the 8 minute cap – stop and record your time.  Don’t do more than 10 rounds.
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Register HERE “Quick & Dirty 30” RX Division 30 Chest 2 Bar Pullups 30 Burpees to Plate 30 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 – 10’/9′ 7 Min. Cap Scaled & Masters Division This WOD goes backwards – if you don’t have pull-ups, stuff or multiple ones this might be the day! Let’s work beyond the margins of our experiences.  30 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 -10’/9′ 30 Burpees to Plate 30 Pullups – Chin over Bar 7 min Cap “Ladder Match” This WOD is a Speed Squat Clean Ladder. Each Athlete will complete 2 Squat Cleans at a specific weight before moving on to the next weight. After the last Squat Clean the Athlete will perform as many Deadlifts in the remaining time. 3 min time cap Rx Men’s 165/185/205/225/245 Women’s 125/135/145/155/165 Scaled and Masters Men’s 145/155/165/175/185 Women’s 95/105/115/125/135 Register HERE
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I know in my head what I want the WOD to be. It is a deadlift/box jump ladder. BUT I want to see how the equipment works out so I will make up a deadlift/box jump WOD where the reps will go down as the weight goes up. In the  10 am advanced class we will do the deadlift/box jump ladder WOD but first we will be doing speed clean ladders. The first ladder will be 135, purchase 145, 155, 165, 175 for men and 95, 105, 115, 125, 135. Everyone will go through that and then we will reload the bars going from 175, 185, 195, 205, 215 for men and 115, 125, 135, 145, 155 for the ladies. And again everyone will go through the ladder and we reload. Last set is 215, 225, 235, 245, 255 for the men and 135, 145, 155, 165, 175.  There will...
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