
I changed the Thursday WOD earlier this week.  I hard originally planned to do the Double Pyramid Helen from the 2010 Games.  After the 125 pull-ups from 2007 on Monday, information pills another high rep pull up WOD was probably too much. So, # order we’ll do the Clean/Ring HSPU from the 2010 Games instead.  Except we’re not doing ring HSPU.  We’ll stick with strict HSPU, with men using a deficit of approximately 4 inches (a 45# plate). Why no ring HSPU?  Well, even for really good athletes, it’s a pretty sketchy.  Just watch the video and see how the very best athletes in CrossFit flail around. I have done ring HSPU at the OC Throwdown in 2012 and it was a bloodbath.  I work a beanie cap on my head so I could use my head as a brake.  Not smart. I had not met Nick Z yet, but...
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By 2009, sick the CrossFit Games had grown.  What started as an invite only BBQ/WOD event in 2007, website like this to a 300 plus athlete competition in 2008, 2009 was a whole new ballgame.  Athletes were clearly calling CrossFit a sport, and secretly training full time, or as near to it as their bodies would allow. The 2009 Games reflected the growth in that there was a qualification process – a Regional event took the top 5 or 6 athletes to the Games.  Many Regionals were as competitive and the events were as challenging, if not more so, than any CrossFit Games events prior. It is my opinion that the first day of competition at the 2009 CrossFit Games were the most challenging and demanding of any day ever.  A 7k terrain run, a Deadlift ladder that topped out to 505/375, a hellacious hill sandbag run, and a row/sledgehammer/row...
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Tuesday’s WOD is from the 2008 CrossFit Games.  The video is badass.  When it was announced, medicine the weight blew everyones mind’s.  275/185 seemed impossibly heavy in a WOD.  But a CrossFit usually shows, health the weight for the tope athletes was not an issue…the moved it up and down like sewing machines. The only requirement that is different than normal – you cannot drop the bar from the top.  Each rep ends when you return the weigh to the ground.  Same standard at the top, but the return tot he ground is a different twist. This WOD was actually the first Games WOD with burpees.  What was inters tong in CrossFit used the Games to define a movement standard, something that we see year in and year out now. The burpee standard called for the athlete to finish in the air, having jumped, with hips, knees and ankles extended...
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I had every intention on doing a bigger post today, information pills but I spent the whole day driving.  This week we will be doing some past CrossFit Games workouts.  I will post them tomorrow, site but each day we will hit one from different years – 2007 on Monday, treatment 2008 on Tuesday, 2009 on Wednesday, etc. Workout of the Day “2007” Row 1K Then 5 Rounds  25 Pullups 7 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
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Happy Fourth of July Weekend! We will be closed on Saturday and Sunday – get out of town, this get to the river or just be with your friends and family. Pushup Challenge testing begins Monday- there is still time to sign up!       Strength 5 sets  Power Snatch, # Hang Squat Snatch 75-80% of 1RM THEN 4 Sets of 2  3 Second Pause Back Squat 1 Watermelon…2 Watermelon… Conditioning For Time 100 KettleBell Swings 53/35 100 Burpees 12 Min Time Cap Break up your swings and burpees any way you would like  
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