
Tuesday’s WOD is not a benchmark, # 40mg but it looks so gnarly, sildenafil I wanted to share it with everyone.  I had “Jackie” planned for this week, cost but we’ll give Jackie a spin next week. This is a pull and grip palooza.  I would recommend going into part 1 with a serious plan – in my head, I am thinking 5s.  I would greatly resist the urge to do 10 or 15 straight Cleans, as you may be lit up like John Thurman field after a Modesto Nuts game by the time your reach 37 Cleans or so.  That’s without even thinking about 50 C2B. I still believe this can be easily scale.  50 Hang Cleans to your ability, 150 singles unders or backwards, and 50 pull-ups or body pulls is a challenging workout that will expose weaknesses and change you on a cellular level if you...
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The Economics of Sleep Part 2 from Freakonomics Radio.  Even if you give it 2 minutes, see that will be eye opening.  Or closing.  The no screen window – no technology between 9p and 7a – gave the tester 1 more hour of sleep on the back end. We are on week 2 of 4 of our heavy single work.  I wanted to clarify how we are going to go about the session.  I explained it as a heavy single.  What it really is – take 10 minutes to get warmed up to 75% of your 1RM, then you have 5 minutes of so to perform 3 heavy singles at that weight.  If you can sneak a 4th rep in, do it. No Benchmark this Tuesday – just a challenging WOD that is scalable to any level: 50 Hang Power Clean 155/100, 150 Doubleunders, 50 Chest to Bar Pullups. Workout...
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Don’t forget about the Modesto Nuts Game.  We still have 3 extra tickets.  We will meet at the front parking lot.  Alison will text more info on the reminder list. If you are not on the reminder list, symptoms text @cfoakdale to 81010. Mark your calendars for a competition at CrossFit Sav Up in Petaluma on 9/26. Don’t forget about yoga on Sunday at 8:45am.  Open gym will be 10a-12p. CrossFit on Saturday at 9 and 10. Workout of the Day 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 Toes to Bar Box Jump 24/20 At 10am, we will do some rowing and handstand walking.
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I love excitement. Whether it is a great group of people coming to get better at life, try push themselves beyond what they know or even just supporting each other at the end of a hard workout. Excitement is fun. It’s motivating. Tonight we had one of the greatest moments in Crossfit Oakdale. There were pistols and pull-ups in today’s WOD. Hopefully no one said “I can’t do a pistol so I will stay home.” Any time there is a movement you have not mastered, pharmacy know that there is a progression to help you get stronger to eventually master that movement. For example – the pistol. A one-legged squat is no joke. We can use boxes to find our balance, website like this we can use a ball as a target. We can even modify with a walking lunge. Less than 10 minutes (during the 5:30pm class) into the WOD...
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*** Modesto Nuts game is Saturday at 7:05pm at the John Thurmond Field. If you ordered tickets, thumb please pay up! We do have 3 extra tickets – let me know if you want one. $9.50 each. We can meet to tailgate in the parking lot at 5:30pm. I will get the tickets to you then.***   After the Pullup-Palooza that was 2007 (125 pull-ups) in 100 plus degree heat, # I told myself that we would not exceed 75 pull-ups in a WOD until it cooled down.  Well, troche I guess 80 is close enough. This WOD comes from CrossFit Linchpin, and although there are a lot of pull-ups, there are even more Pistols.  I generally keep Pistols (alternating one legged squats) to smaller sets, but every once in a while, you have to throw some big sets out there to really test efficiency, For me personally, I had...
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