
Tomorrow night at 6:30pm is the Ladies WOD & Wine Event. There will be a workout followed by a happy hour with a raffle. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. If wine is not to your taste, approved feel free to bring your own drinks!   Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 3 of 4 Clean and Jerk Build to a heavy single in 10-12 minutes, approximately 80% of 1RM.  Once you hit the target weight, perform 3 singles, with approximately 90-120 seconds rest between lifts. Pause Back Squat 4 sets of 2 You should be pretty warm following the Clean and Jerk, especially if you are hitting the lifts with a full Squat Clean.  Take a few warm up sets, and perform 4 sets of 2 heavy Pause Back squats, with a 3 second count between reps.  Like the C&J, take 90-120 sends rest between sets. Conditioning...
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I am not a big fan of “birthday WODs.”  Generally, # dosage they are random messes of movements with a particular number.  Don’t even get me started on 12 Days of Christmas WODs. Unless Alison does it for Finn.  Then it’s perfect. The WOD came at Finn’s suggestion, and since he has never really told me that we should do a particular WOD, I had to put it up. Alison put this together for Finn’s birthday (which is in July) last year during a kids class.  I had taken the day off, so I decided to hop in and tackle the WOD with my birthday boy.  Big mistake.  I really wasn’t ready for the gut punch coming my way.  Like any good CrossFit WOD, each piece is not terribly daunting, there are no big weights or difficult movements.  Because of that, the only limiting factor is your desire to go...
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There is still time to register for the for the CrossFit Oakdale Summer Slam.  3 Sprint WODs with a Finals for the top athletes – make sure you tell your friends.  We have a great bunch of athletes signed up – we are going to order shirts tomorrow, treat so if you want to guarantee that you get a shirt on game day, sign up now.  We’ll do a preliminary heat schedule in the next few days and do a standards video this weekend.  Keep training hard and stay hydrated, homies. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, Week 3 of 4 Deadlift Build to a heavy single in 10-12 minutes, approximately 80% of 1RM.  Once you hit the target weight, pull a single 3 times, with 90-120 seconds between sets. Front Squat 3 sets of 3, 80% of 1RM Conditioning 100 Doubleunders Run TL Davis Loop 100 Double unders
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Tuesday’s benchmark Girl is “Jackie.”  Jackie is an aerobic test, view especially if you have it in your mind that you can complete the pull-ups in big chunks or unbroken.  It is deceptively simple and relatively short. First, we will do this WOD in waves.  As we only have 4 rowers, the faster athletes should go first, as they will clear the rower. My recommendation for Jackie is – you need to be hot and sweaty before you start.  You do not want the first time you feel the burn of lactic acid or your lungs fight for air to be 20 thrusters into your set of 50. This may be a relatively short WOD with nothing heavy, but it will demand that you move fast.  Even worse, it demands that you move fast as it progresses.  My strategy is fast, faster, fastest.  For the row, you want to row...
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I don’t know if you guys spent the whole weekend watching people exercise.  I didn’t exactly, this but I did spend some pretty sizable chunks on the CrossFit Games. What happened?  Well, sildenafil a lot.  CrossFit Turlock’s Cindy Kelly won the 50-54 year old Master’s Division.  Incredible!  Chad Augustin took 4th in the 40-44 year old Master’s Division. Jen and Nick and NorCal CrossFit held First place until an injury to Miranda Oldroyd.  NorCal battled through workouts with only 5 members, and still were able to hold onto the top 10.  I watched Jen and Molly battle through a Worm WOD with only 2 athletes, as the rest of the field struggled with 3.  I am so proud of how they battled. Finally, CrossFit crowned new champions in Katrin Davidsdottir and Ben Smith.  From a fan and athlete’s perspective, this was the most brutal test of fitness I have seen. ...
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