
Friday night , link at 7 pm, pills we will be having a “Save 2nd Base” event with a guest speaker regarding breast cancer awareness. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. There will be wine, erectile appetizers, and lots of raffle prizes. All raffle ticket money will go to a cancer charity. All raffle tickets are 2 for $1 and can be purchased before and during the event. Strength/Skill, Week 1 of 4 4 Heavy sets of 2 Power Cleans 2 Hang Cleans 2 Jerks Like the Snatch Complex, make this work for you.  Take 10 minutes or so to get warm, then work 4 heavy sets of this complex.  For the Hang Clean, squat or power is fine.  For the Jerks, Split or Push is fine.  The goal is to complete this complex as an unbroken set, but if you drop, just quickly pick it up and go again.  60%...
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CrossFit has announced a cool event, approved the 2015 CrossFit Liftoff sponsored by Rogue.  The exact details of the way the event will be run has not been fully announced, here but it is a lifting event – Max Snatch and Clean and Jerk with a Conditioning WOD.  It appears your score will be pounds plus reps completed.  There will be weight classes and much like the Open, malady the WOD is completed over the course of the week/weekend. This can be a great CFO event, so keep training hard.  Focus on the Olympic lifts during the time allotted and always be as fit as you can, show up on game day, and this should be a great time. Workout of the Day 3RFT 75 Doubleunders 50′ Walking Overhead Lunge 45/25 25 Toes to Bar 20 minute cap Gymnatics OTM7 Handstand Practice For 7 minutes, using 20 seconds of work,...
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    Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, information pills Week 1 of 4 Deadlift, order 3 sets of 6 These Deadlifts are from a DEFICIT, prostate meaning you will be standing on a 45# plate as you pull the bar off the ground.  This will help create much more pulling power off the ground, and it will emphasize near perfect starting position, keeping a flat back, with your butt down and your chest up.  Keep the weight reasonable, as this is the first time we are doing this – 50-60% of 1RM. Pause Front Squat, 5 sets of 2 For each pause, use a 3 second count.  If you are a “bouncer” from the bottom position of the squat, this will help you stay “active” in that bottom position, and lead to you making lifts that fold you over.  Next week, we will be adding time to the pause. Conditioning...
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John L displays his winnings from this weekend.  These are fitness problems – when you get good at exercise, adiposity you win stuff, more about then you have to schlep it around. Tuesday’s WOD is a Hero and a Classic CrossFit triplet.  As far as I can remember, we have never done this one a CFO.  Let’s right that wrong, together. Workout of the Day “Jack” AMRAP 20 10 Push Press 115/75 10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 10 Box Jumps 24/20
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John and Sarah represented CFO at the CrossFit Sav-Up 1 year anniversary WOD & Party. John got a Grace PR at 2:26 and then went on to win the heavy sled push at 285#. He is bringing home a peg board for his efforts. Way to go John! Registration opens tomorrow for the Franniversary on December 5th. It is a team competition – teams of 2 people. More information on the WOD Rocket site. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill, site Week 1 of 4 4 Heavy sets of 2 Power Snatch 2 Hang Snatch 2 Overhead Squat This is week 1 of 4.  The goal is to Take 10 minutes or so to get warm, then work 4 heavy sets of this complex.  For the Hang Snatch, squat or power is fine.  Think about what you are good and, and where you may need to improve. If you can Power...
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