
Wait a Second or Two from CJ Martin of CrossFit Invictus.  CJ is one of the most sought after CrossFit coaches in the world, more about having coached winners of the CrossFit Games as an Individual (Camille) and as a Team.  On top of that, # CJ has coached athletes to podiums and tons of Games appearances. That’s all great, but what does that mean for the “regular” CrossFit athlete?  Well, when CJ writes an article like this, it means a lot. CJ focuses on the main 3 issues he sees for athletes, and prescribes a fix for each one.  Currently, we are working on 1 and 2 every week.  The pause Squat is self explanatory – pause in a the bottom of a squat to fix position.  We are working on that early hip pull by pulling off plates during our Deadlift sessions – this will translate to all...
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In 8 weeks we will be celebrating the 4th Annual Franniversary. We will be clashing gauntlet style, patient with 2 person teams. Once again we will be setting up some fun twists on familiar named WOD’s. BUT just when you think it is over…we bring you back into the fight. Stay tuned for WOD movement standards. While you wait, approved pick a partner, # pick a name and start the prep to DOMINATE. Cash prizes for top RX and Scaled teams. There are only 2 divisions – RX and Scaled. Registration is open! Workout of the Day AMRAP 12 40 Doubleunders 12 Hang Squat Cleans 95/65 Gymnastics OTM 7 Handstand Practice 20 seconds on, 40 seconds off HS Walk, Shoulder/Head Taps, Scissor Legs, Negative Lower, Wall Climb and Hold, etc…
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Strength for the week: DL/Front Squat Monday, troche Snatch work Wednesday, Clean and Jerk work on Friday.  Tuesday is an Open style conditioning WOD followed by handstand work.  For Thursday, I have a “Death by…” WOD that sounds fun to me…now anyway. Strength/Skill, Week 3 of 4 Deadlift, 3 sets of 6 These Deadlifts are from a DEFICIT, meaning you will be standing on a 45# plate as you pull the bar off the ground.  This will help create much more pulling power off the ground, and it will emphasize near perfect starting position, keeping a flat back, with your butt down and your chest up.  This week we will go up by 5-10#. Pause Front Squat, 5 sets of 2 For pause on the first squat, it’s a 5 second count.  For the second squat, it’s a 3 second pause.  Keep the weight light, approximately 50-60% of 1RM OR the...
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CrossFit at 9a and 10a.  It’s a doozy, visit courtesy of CrossFit Park City.  That’s Chris Spealler’s gym, price y’all. Workout of the Day 5 RFT 20 Wallball Shots 20/14 10 Hang Power Cleans 155/100
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Intro by Coach Tricia WHO’S WHO at CFO- Grant Ardis and Rolando ‘Ro’ Avila A BIG shout out to their friend and Kelly A’s brother, pilule Mark! He introduced these to guys to CFO. We aren’t sure what happened to Mark but we have a feeling that he will make his way back to CFO one day ( we hope). I know Grant and Ro from when they were in high school at Oakdale High. Grant was a quiet strong guy back then as he is to this day. And Ro was a pretty good basketball player and still has a great vertical leap. Both these guys are getting stronger and motoring faster. Keep it up gentlemen. It’s a pleasure to have you at CFO. Now here’s more about Grant and Ro. How long have you known Grant/Ro and when/where did you meet him? GRANT: I’ve known Ro since freshmen...
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